down in flames. Of course, I'm more into independent films than hollywood
blockbuster. I think CART should have had more say in the filming of the
crashes, but it's a fantastic 2 hour CART adverti***t.
In all fairness Driven had no real competition this weekend. But with Mummy
Returns, Swordfish, Pearl Harbor and many other good movies just around the
corner I don't think many movies will remain in the #1 slots for more than a
week (PH may be the exception to that since it will appeal to a wide target
audience of all ages)
>Todd Walker
>twalker at jam dot rr dot com
>> I haven't seen it yet(but I do have an almost free coupon to use/waste)
>>so I may. But most of the interviews I've seen has Sly focusing on
>>attracting or gaining interest from Non-racers. As such, we may think it
>>silly, trite, condecending etc. But that is just what will grab a 'non-fan'
>>and possibly pull him in. So IF Stallone was targeting this non-fan as the
>>primary viewer of the film, it seems he suceeded.
>>dave henrie
I get a kick out of Arnold too!
I treat movies for what they are. Some are simple brain-candy, like Judge
Dredd. I just don't take them seriously and enjoy them for what they are.
> >Hey, don't be dissin' the Dredd!
> >-Larry
> Probably a Chuck Norris fan too.
>I get a kick out of Arnold too!
>I treat movies for what they are. Some are simple brain-candy, like Judge
>Dredd. I just don't take them seriously and enjoy them for what they are.
eFalcon keyboard chart in PDF format
Judge Dredd was a FUN movie just like Driven was. It certainly won't win any
awards but it wasn't meant to - it was a popcorn movie just like ID4,
Armageddon, Gone in 60 Seconds, and a hundred other movies that release every
>>Well, um....
>>I get a kick out of Arnold too!
>>I treat movies for what they are. Some are simple brain-candy, like Judge
>>Dredd. I just don't take them seriously and enjoy them for what they are.
>Agree, there are only two kinds of movies, good and bad. Judge Dredd
>comes under bad. Bad acting, bad story, bad costumes, just plain bad.
>I guess you just have BAD taste. :-)
> > Quote: "Either this is a cult classic in the making, or race fans
> > should avoid it at all costs."
> >
Oh, so you want to get serious do you? I'll tell you why I know.
BEACAUSE THE MASSES ARE STUPID. They read stupid books, listen to
stupid music and like stupid movies. There, does that answer your
question clear enough?
Judge Dredd was shit. Sylvester Stallone is a shit actor too. Go read
some Camus and get some enlightenment in your life. You are running
eFalcon keyboard chart in PDF format
You may also want to check your spelling before calling people stupid :)
Ian P
<email invalid due to spam>
> >Who's to say YOU don't have bad taste. Why does your opinion supercede
> >else's? That's the mentality that really pisses me off about these so
> >movie reviewers. The only person's opinion that truely matters is your
> Oh, so you want to get serious do you? I'll tell you why I know.
> BEACAUSE THE MASSES ARE STUPID. They read stupid books, listen to
> stupid music and like stupid movies. There, does that answer your
> question clear enough?
> >Judge Dredd was a FUN movie just like Driven was.
> Judge Dredd was shit. Sylvester Stallone is a shit actor too. Go read
> some Camus and get some enlightenment in your life. You are running
> short.
> --
> eFalcon keyboard chart in PDF format
Just like "The Demolition Man", which IMHO was the best film Rocky ever
made. It was quite entertaining.
> Judge Dredd was a FUN movie just like Driven was. It certainly won't win
> awards but it wasn't meant to - it was a popcorn movie just like ID4,
> Armageddon, Gone in 60 Seconds, and a hundred other movies that release
> year.
> >>Well, um....
> >>:)
> >>I get a kick out of Arnold too!
> >>I treat movies for what they are. Some are simple brain-candy, like
> >>Dredd. I just don't take them seriously and enjoy them for what they
> >Agree, there are only two kinds of movies, good and bad. Judge Dredd
> >comes under bad. Bad acting, bad story, bad costumes, just plain bad.
> >I guess you just have BAD taste. :-)
> --------------------
> Sinjin
> Your Guide to Success
>>Who's to say YOU don't have bad taste. Why does your opinion supercede anyone
>>else's? That's the mentality that really pisses me off about these so called
>>movie reviewers. The only person's opinion that truely matters is your own.
>Oh, so you want to get serious do you? I'll tell you why I know.
>BEACAUSE THE MASSES ARE STUPID. They read stupid books, listen to
>stupid music and like stupid movies. There, does that answer your
>question clear enough?
>>Judge Dredd was a FUN movie just like Driven was.
>Judge Dredd was shit. Sylvester Stallone is a shit actor too. Go read
>some Camus and get some enlightenment in your life. You are running
And Judge Dredd was still a fun movie (at the time it was made). Now the
effects are a bit dated and its ready for the MST3000 treatment.
Your Guide to Success
>Just like "The Demolition Man", which IMHO was the best film Rocky ever
>made. It was quite entertaining.
Nothing wrong with my spelling, it's my typing that needs work. But,
there you go proving your low intellect again. What does one's
spelling ability have to do with intellect? I know you can't answer
that so don't even bother trying. Peons - sheesh.
eFalcon keyboard chart in PDF format
Yea, and that's what it's all about you dumbass. The quickest and
cheapest way to seperate the masses from their money.
Keep telling yourself that. But, just so you peons know the facts. I
enjoy movies from most genre's so long as they are well done. Judge
Dredd does not fit that criteria.
eFalcon keyboard chart in PDF format
> For me, the major disappointment of the movie was that Sly didn't have
> a scene with Mr. Fernandez, the driver of the Tecate car, and go "Yo,
> Aaa-dria-annnn!"
> Ian
> >Quote: "Either this is a cult classic in the making, or race fans
> >should avoid it at all costs."
> >