GPL framerate on a Dell XPS300 w/Pure3d ?

Scott Vel

GPL framerate on a Dell XPS300 w/Pure3d ?

by Scott Vel » Sat, 10 Oct 1998 04:00:00

I have a P-II 300 w/128mb ram and a first generation 3dfx card (pure3d).
At 800x600 with ALL graphics options turned OFF, I get around 29-31 fps.
With all options turned ON, it hovers around 19-21 fps
(it's beautiful :-)

I'm happy with the "all options on" scenario, but with every option off
and no AI cars, shouldn't I be getting something faster than 31 fps (I
keep hearing others getting 35+).

Are there tricks to getting fast frame rates on 3dfx equipped Dell


Marc Collin

GPL framerate on a Dell XPS300 w/Pure3d ?

by Marc Collin » Sat, 10 Oct 1998 04:00:00

You would certainly think and hope so.  Are you referring to the all options
off that looks worse than non-Rendition ICR2 with half its options off??
And in training mode with no AI?


Tom Quic

GPL framerate on a Dell XPS300 w/Pure3d ?

by Tom Quic » Wed, 14 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Get a fast AGP card .. 8-12MB

>I have a P-II 300 w/128mb ram and a first generation 3dfx card (pure3d).
>At 800x600 with ALL graphics options turned OFF, I get around 29-31 fps.
>With all options turned ON, it hovers around 19-21 fps
>(it's beautiful :-)

>I'm happy with the "all options on" scenario, but with every option off
>and no AI cars, shouldn't I be getting something faster than 31 fps (I
>keep hearing others getting 35+).

>Are there tricks to getting fast frame rates on 3dfx equipped Dell



GPL framerate on a Dell XPS300 w/Pure3d ?

by Zonk » Wed, 14 Oct 1998 04:00:00

>Get a fast AGP card .. 8-12MB

>>I have a P-II 300 w/128mb ram and a first generation 3dfx card (pure3d).
>>At 800x600 with ALL graphics options turned OFF, I get around 29-31 fps.
>>With all options turned ON, it hovers around 19-21 fps
>>(it's beautiful :-)

>>I'm happy with the "all options on" scenario, but with every option off
>>and no AI cars, shouldn't I be getting something faster than 31 fps (I
>>keep hearing others getting 35+).

>>Are there tricks to getting fast frame rates on 3dfx equipped Dell


A "fast" agp card is not going to help.......
GPL supports in hardware mode, 3Dfx, or rendition only.

You may want to consider lowering the Screen res, for one.



GPL framerate on a Dell XPS300 w/Pure3d ?

by Skid » Wed, 14 Oct 1998 04:00:00

For the record, this is the only game I know of where a Rendition card beats
a Voodoo 2. On my system, a K6-2 300 with a 4-meg Hercules Thriller and a
12-meg STB Voodoo 2, GPL looks better and runs smoother using the Rendition
version. The Rendition supports anti-aliasing to remove the jaggies that are
noticeable on the V2, plus the colors are brighter and the images sharper.
Both do a fine job at 800x600 with all options on, but the Rendition card
just looks better. If you're really into racing sims -- IndyCar2, Nascar2
(and '99,) and GPL all have better support for Rendition than anything else.
Nascar 3 will be based on the GPL engine, so that stands to follow suit.
Replacing your V1 with a $100-150 V2 is one good way to go. A $40-80
Rendition V2200 card (PCI or 1X AGP) is another. The V2200 really doesn't
match up in speed against the TNTs or V2s, but image quality is excellent,
it has good GL drivers and V1 performance in 3D, and Sierra's racing sims
take advantage of its strengths.


>>Get a fast AGP card .. 8-12MB

>>>I have a P-II 300 w/128mb ram and a first generation 3dfx card (pure3d).
>>>At 800x600 with ALL graphics options turned OFF, I get around 29-31 fps.
>>>With all options turned ON, it hovers around 19-21 fps
>>>(it's beautiful :-)

>>>I'm happy with the "all options on" scenario, but with every option off
>>>and no AI cars, shouldn't I be getting something faster than 31 fps (I
>>>keep hearing others getting 35+).

>>>Are there tricks to getting fast frame rates on 3dfx equipped Dell


>A "fast" agp card is not going to help.......
>GPL supports in hardware mode, 3Dfx, or rendition only.

>You may want to consider lowering the Screen res, for one.


Jerry Moreloc

GPL framerate on a Dell XPS300 w/Pure3d ?

by Jerry Moreloc » Wed, 14 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Unfortunately, is there anything out there beyond the Papyrus sims using
Rendition that's really worth buying? I bought an original Rendition card
SOLELY for N2, and it was the only thing I ever owned that used it.  I'm not
about to buy a one-game card again. (Oops, forgot Heavy Gear, but I used
3dfx on that one, anyway.) Oh, and for the original poster of this thread
with the Dell--Scott, I think--you might want to plug a V2 card into that
Dell.  I had a V1 plugged into a 400 Dell and dropped it for a V2.
Noticeable difference.

Jerry Morelock

>For the record, this is the only game I know of where a Rendition card
>a Voodoo 2. On my system, a K6-2 300 with a 4-meg Hercules Thriller and a
>12-meg STB Voodoo 2, GPL looks better and runs smoother using the Rendition
>version. The Rendition supports anti-aliasing to remove the jaggies that
>noticeable on the V2, plus the colors are brighter and the images sharper.
>Both do a fine job at 800x600 with all options on, but the Rendition card
>just looks better. If you're really into racing sims -- IndyCar2, Nascar2
>(and '99,) and GPL all have better support for Rendition than anything
>Nascar 3 will be based on the GPL engine, so that stands to follow suit.
>Replacing your V1 with a $100-150 V2 is one good way to go. A $40-80
>Rendition V2200 card (PCI or 1X AGP) is another. The V2200 really doesn't
>match up in speed against the TNTs or V2s, but image quality is excellent,
>it has good GL drivers and V1 performance in 3D, and Sierra's racing sims
>take advantage of its strengths.


GPL framerate on a Dell XPS300 w/Pure3d ?

by n.. » Wed, 14 Oct 1998 04:00:00

On Tue, 13 Oct 1998 14:11:54 -0400, "Jerry Morelock"

>Unfortunately, is there anything out there beyond the Papyrus sims using
>Rendition that's really worth buying?

You of course mean Speedy 3D or RRedline.

Quake (orig) and it's fast and certainly better image quality. Quake
2, and in which the Rendition image quality is far better, but
definitely slower, although fast enough. Descent II similarly,
although without question Voodoo was faster but as usual uglier. Just
to name a few big selling titles. Of course, the V2x00 series support
D3D titles, and so Forsaken and many others of it's ilk run as quickly
and graphically indiscernable to Voodoo (orig) using this API.

Glide/Winglide is *now* as dead as Speedy3D/RRedline except for legacy
titles or proprietry company sponsered deals like the EA association.
DirectX 6.0 improvements in D3D and general performance improvements
in hardware across the spectrum have seen to that, along with Open GL
wrappers for other games. So the argument is moot apart from as a
rather juvenile frame rate pissin' contest for the intellectually

Pretty much all the engines will give acceptable frame rates today.
It's really a matter of how much you are sucked in by hyped up
advertising, affected by peer pressure to "keep up with the Jones's"
mentality and how much you want to spend.

You should take off those 3Dfx shades so you can see more clearly. 8^P

3Dfx make a fine product, but far from perfect. It's singular claim to
fame is speed over image quality, at an OVER-INFLATED price. I'm
thankful for the opposition and the evolution in terms of performance
and features of non-proprietry APIs which benefits everyone.

For the record I have Rendition V1000 (intergraph Reactor), V2100
(Diamond Stealth II S220), nVidia Riva 128 (Diamond Viper V330 AGP)
and 3Dfx Voodoo (Diamond Monster 3D) all only 4MB cards (Stealth &
Viper SGRAM, Reactor and Monster EDO), however the nVidia AGP has
128MB of PC-10 to access via a 128MB aperture on the 66MHz AGP bus.

I appreciate the strengths and weakness of them all. Certainly I'd
like a 16MB TNT or 24MB SLI Voodoo II combo, but the price here is
nothing short of irrational. IMO one would have to be either
certifiablely insane, or financially irresponsible to pay the current
asking. 8^)

I'm also interested in seeing what Micron backed Rendition will
deliver in their forthcoming next generation. Whilst I don't expect
them to live up to their promises (like every one else), the specs
certainly sound ambitious. Even if they achieve only 85% of their
specs, it'll be one hell of a D3D and OGL performer. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.