I have to agree with Tim. In the beginning (and I am one that had NASCAR and
NASCAR 2) they really did make a whole new game. But around the time after
NASCAR 2 Papyrus found that magic EA formula which I hate. Which is just enough
change to make them buy it. It was after Nascar 2 that we then got Nascar 50th,
Nascar 1999. And really they all were about the same program with little
differences and tweaks. I personally refused to buy Nascar 50th because I could
see through their guise. Then Nascar 3 which was a bigger difference. Then
they went with Nascar 3, Legends and Truck series as the staples. And we bought
them. Then came Nascar 4. It was going to be the one. It was much different
over 3 and you had to get it. BUT they screwed it up. The game was un-drivable
and hyper-sensitive. So like Tim said a few tweaks and viola n2k2. Now I had
NO intention of buying n2k2 because I felt n2k2 should have only been a patch
for N4. But unfortunately I caved to peer pressure. All my weak league-mates
who did not see the guise ran right out and fell for the sucker buy that Papyrus
put out. Now n2k2 is not even a year old and we are already talking about and
waiting for n2k3 and that just plays right into the hands of Papy. They see
this and go "HA! It is going to work. These suckers will buy it again!"
Personally I can not believe the number of people that fall for the EA formula
of putting out just enough to make it different. But the problems are the
consumers and that we are all in the mind set of "I have to be better than the
Jones'" I say Rise UP! Do NOT buy n2k3! Send *** emails to Papy! Tell them
we want a whole new game or don't bother!
That's my 2 cents. Well maybe a penny and a half,
> OK, I'll try to set you straight...
> Papryus' Nascar series is highly profitable. Why? Because they don't do
> the expensive practice of designing a brand new racing game every year.
> They follow the same guidelines as the successful EA Sports franchise by
> updating the same product every year and releasing it as such. Sure, once
> every 3-4 years they'll update the engine but the profitability of adding
> some features to an existing product and reselling it at full price is hugh!
> Take a look at NR2002 for a moment and the differences between it and the N4
> program: A new 2002 car set, three new tracks, a few graphic upgrade
> options and a tweak here and there to the game engine and viola!, you have a
> new product to sell at $39.99 each. How many of us still just use N4 and
> haven't bought NR2002 yet? Probably less than 10% so this strategy works.
> When Papy introduces NR2003, they know and we know that we'll rush right
> down to the store to snatch it up at full price. (Maybe they'll even thow
> in a $5 rebate for current owners for good measure!)
> -Tim