GPL and 'Fazination'

Paul Hounslo

GPL and 'Fazination'

by Paul Hounslo » Sun, 05 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I am new to the newsgroup, so please excuse me if this has been

After watching the RUF Porsche video 'fazination' at the 'ring' I had to
find out more!
I first heard about GPL while looking for 'ring' information. I have now
bought the sim and am learning the track, read lots, downloaded fast laps.
It was encouraging to read that instant success is not achievable.

As an aside has anyone got a replay of a wild lap at the ring (or Watkins
glen), like the RUF Porsche i.e. no crashes but lots of slides and power
oversteer, not fast I know but shows real car control!!!!

another query is the reference in the manual to Derek Bells  6.42.2 lap, was
that on the '67' GPL circuit or the 12.9 miles it is now.

Lastly where is the best place for FAQ's. I cannot lock the front wheels via
the button(braking help off)
oh and are there any other GPL drivers who are organising a visit the track
next year???

Joachim Blu

GPL and 'Fazination'

by Joachim Blu » Sun, 05 Dec 1999 04:00:00


Just for that question:
You can't lock the wheels that way, because if the brakes are assigned
to a button, the braking help is automatically enabled, no matter what
your setting in the options screen is. Assign brakes to an analogue
device and the wheels will lock...



GPL and 'Fazination'

by c » Sun, 05 Dec 1999 04:00:00

You wouldn't happen to have any of that in mpg or similar form would you???


Paul Hounslo

GPL and 'Fazination'

by Paul Hounslo » Sun, 05 Dec 1999 04:00:00

vhs at present

> You wouldn't happen to have any of that in mpg or similar form would
> :)

> speedracer

> > I am new to the newsgroup, so please excuse me if this has been
> > covered.................

> > After watching the RUF Porsche video 'fazination' at the 'ring' I had to
> > find out more!
> > I first heard about GPL while looking for 'ring' information. I have now
> > bought the sim and am learning the track, read lots, downloaded fast
> > It was encouraging to read that instant success is not achievable.

> > As an aside has anyone got a replay of a wild lap at the ring (or
> > glen), like the RUF Porsche i.e. no crashes but lots of slides and power
> > oversteer, not fast I know but shows real car control!!!!

> > another query is the reference in the manual to Derek Bells  6.42.2 lap,
> was
> > that on the '67' GPL circuit or the 12.9 miles it is now.

> > Lastly where is the best place for FAQ's. I cannot lock the front wheels
> via
> > the button(braking help off)
> > oh and are there any other GPL drivers who are organising a visit the
> track
> > next year???
> > Thanks
> > Paul

Don Scurlo

GPL and 'Fazination'

by Don Scurlo » Mon, 06 Dec 1999 04:00:00

For the fastest hotlaps go here:

It was on the old curcuit with the exception of the straights in front of and
behind the pits. You turn right immediatley after the chicane before the pit
straight to bypass that section.

Also check these sites:


Don Scurlock
Vancouver,B.C. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.