I am having a great deal of difficulty getting good frame rates on F1 2K1
using my Elsa Gladiac Geforce 2 MX. No matter what changes I make I still
get 12 FPS on the back straight at Indy (my benchmark). I have used at
least 6 different drivers, FRAPS 1.4a and 1.5, the Gforce Tweak utility,
Detonator Destroyer and reinstalled Direct X a few times. No matter what,
full screen or windowed the changes in performance is small or nonexistent.
Tonight I loaded up the Rally Trophy demo. I am getting only low 20s on
this game. This leads me to believe that I have a basic problem on the card
or MoBo. Is there some hidden setting in Windows or the BIOS that I might
be missing?
Any help is greatly appreciated. All this tweaking is out of my league.
My System:
Athalon 1.0 Thunderbird
Elsa Gladiac Geforce2 MX 32MB
SoundBlaster Live Value
Nokia 445Xi 21" monitor
I know this isn't a really hot machine any more but I hoped it would last
more than 10 months without major upgrades. If I really have to, I'll get a
new card but I won't be happy.