Geforce MX Basic FPS Prob? (F1 2001)

Tom Duga

Geforce MX Basic FPS Prob? (F1 2001)

by Tom Duga » Sun, 21 Oct 2001 16:27:06

Hey folks-

I am having a great deal of difficulty getting good frame rates on F1 2K1
using my Elsa Gladiac Geforce 2 MX.  No matter what changes I make I still
get 12 FPS on the back straight at Indy (my benchmark).  I have used at
least 6 different drivers, FRAPS 1.4a and 1.5, the Gforce Tweak utility,
Detonator Destroyer and reinstalled Direct X a few times.  No matter what,
full screen or windowed the changes in performance is small or nonexistent.

Tonight I loaded up the Rally Trophy demo.  I am getting only low 20s on
this game.  This leads me to believe that I have a basic problem on the card
or MoBo.  Is there some hidden setting in Windows or the BIOS that I might
be missing?

Any help is greatly appreciated.  All this tweaking is out of my league.

My System:

Athalon 1.0 Thunderbird
Elsa Gladiac Geforce2 MX 32MB
SoundBlaster Live Value
Nokia 445Xi  21" monitor

I know this isn't a really hot machine any more but I hoped it would last
more than 10 months without major upgrades. If  I really have to, I'll get a
new card but I won't be happy.




Geforce MX Basic FPS Prob? (F1 2001)

by giamm » Sun, 21 Oct 2001 17:44:48

drivers 8.05 and older can solve your problems!

Tony Rickar

Geforce MX Basic FPS Prob? (F1 2001)

by Tony Rickar » Sun, 21 Oct 2001 18:08:43

It could be that you need to install or re-install your VIA 4-in-1 drivers.
This can have a huge impact if not correctly installed.

Tom Duga

Geforce MX Basic FPS Prob? (F1 2001)

by Tom Duga » Sun, 21 Oct 2001 18:59:45

Tried 650 and 759 with no luck.  That is assuming I installed them
correctly.  I'm kinda new at this tweaking stuff so that is no sure thing.
Is there a guide online that could help me confirm my procedure?



> > Hey folks-

> > I am having a great deal of difficulty getting good frame rates on F1
> > using my Elsa Gladiac Geforce 2 MX.  No matter what changes I make I
> > get 12 FPS on the back straight at Indy (my benchmark).  I have used at
> > least 6 different drivers

> drivers 8.05 and older can solve your problems!

Tom Duga

Geforce MX Basic FPS Prob? (F1 2001)

by Tom Duga » Sun, 21 Oct 2001 19:05:10

I'll give that a shot.  The last 4 in 1 update was done at the builders shop
last February when I had a CDRW installed.

That is another reason I would rather not get a new card.  All of this stuff
I could do myself has to be done by the builder, who is a two hour round
trip away, to preserve my warrantee.  They normally will do work while I
wait but even the one trip up is a pain.

Next time I am thinking of building my own machine so I can tinker at will.
On the plus side I have saved money on all of the upgrades I haven't bought
because of the installation issue.



> It could be that you need to install or re-install your VIA 4-in-1
> This can have a huge impact if not correctly installed.

> > Hey folks-

> > I am having a great deal of difficulty getting good frame rates on F1
> > using my Elsa Gladiac Geforce 2 MX.  No matter what changes I make I
> > get 12 FPS on the back straight at Indy (my benchmark).  I have used at
> > least 6 different drivers, FRAPS 1.4a and 1.5, the Gforce Tweak utility,
> > Detonator Destroyer and reinstalled Direct X a few times.  No matter
> > full screen or windowed the changes in performance is small or
> nonexistent.

> > Tonight I loaded up the Rally Trophy demo.  I am getting only low 20s on
> > this game.  This leads me to believe that I have a basic problem on the
> card
> > or MoBo.  Is there some hidden setting in Windows or the BIOS that I
> > be missing?

> > Any help is greatly appreciated.  All this tweaking is out of my league.

> > My System:

> > Athalon 1.0 Thunderbird
> > ASUS A7V MoBo
> > 256 MB SDRAM
> > Elsa Gladiac Geforce2 MX 32MB
> > SoundBlaster Live Value
> > Nokia 445Xi  21" monitor

> > I know this isn't a really hot machine any more but I hoped it would
> > more than 10 months without major upgrades. If  I really have to, I'll
> a
> > new card but I won't be happy.

> > TIA

> > Tom

Stephen Smit

Geforce MX Basic FPS Prob? (F1 2001)

by Stephen Smit » Sun, 21 Oct 2001 20:43:57


Yeah, there are various BIOS and Win tweaks that might have an effect (AGP &
Vsynch settings, etc.), but nothing I can think of that would cure a problem
as dire as yours sounds--I have a similar system and it runs 3X as fast as

You might try:

Or it might be a h/w problem.

Let me know how it turns out (orif there's anything more I can do).

--Steve Smith

Tom Duga

Geforce MX Basic FPS Prob? (F1 2001)

by Tom Duga » Thu, 25 Oct 2001 01:29:00

Went with the latest AGP driver and saw a great improvement.  I now get 30
FPS on the Indy back straight.  There are only two problems.

Number 1:  I can't get my mirrors back, no matter what driver I run. (12.41
seem to be the most stable for me)

Number 2:  I am now a frame rate ***.  This game really need FSAA so I am
now in the market for a new video card.

Geforce 3 Ti 200 or Radeon 8500.

Any ideas for any of these issues?



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