> WINDY.EXE caused fault...
Marc J. Nelson
SimRacing Online - http://www.racesimcentral.net/
* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *
* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *
WINDY.EXE caused fault #c0000026 in KERNEL32.DLL at address
To date, CrashGuard has recorded 11 fatal error(s) in this program.
Reported By:
CrashGuard v3.02
Report Date:
1/13/99 6:32:15 PM
Last Message:
MSG(000008C4, 0400, 00000000, 00000000)
(07/20/98 20:51 - 1916928)
EAX=0089e16c CS=0177
EIP=bff884ac EFLGS=00000202
EBX=0089fe28 SS=017f
ESP=0089e044 EBP=0089e1c8
ECX=0089e050 DS=017f
ESI=0089e11c FS=0fdf
EDX=bffc9490 ES=017f
EDI=81635b78 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
eb 03 8b 5d f8 8b 0b 3b cb 77 06 83 7d fc 00 74
Stack dump:
bff79138 00000000 0089ff68 0001001f 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 ffff1370 fffff8a2 ffff3fff 00496f74
05040177 004f7bf4
* System Summary *
< Hardware >
Processor: GenuineIntel Pentium(R) Model 4 167 MHz Stepping 3
Motherboard: ASUS TX-97
BIOS: Award Software 12/02/97
Bus Type: PCI
Ports: 1 Parallel, 2 Serial
Memory: 64.0 MB (65% Utilized)
Hard Disks: 3.00 GB, 1.96 GB
Multimedia: SoundBlasterLive Value Edtion, Joystick thrustmaster
grand prix 1, 24xCD-ROM
Video: 800x600 in True Color, S3 ViRGE-DX/GX PCI (375/385) Ver. 4.0
< Operating System >
Windows: 4.10 (Build 1998 )
DOS: 7.10
Net Clients: Microsoft Network