>A month ago I bought CPR and brought it back to the store the next day
>unsatified. (My PC Is a P133, 32 mg RAM, ATI 3d expression +, I wasn't
>getting good frame rate for the kind of detail I want and didn't like the
>I want a CART Racing sim., I know that CART Racing by Sierra is the rename
>version of ICR2 and in order to find out what it felt like I downloded the
>demo for ICR2 and like it, but before I spend money and time with something
>that is not close to the real thing I want some feedback from you guys,
>regarding :
>1) What is new apart from the name ?
Nothing if compared to the latest retail version of ICR2. I think,
however, that the demo is still based on the earliest, buggy version
of the sim. You also get a book which is very good, as I gather from
what I'm reading here.
Don't think so. Unless the ATI card is based on the Rendition chip.
ICR2 has Rendition-only 3D support. Without 3D texturing, the game
looks a bit old-fashioned by now.
The AI is sound. Not superb, but o.k. I sometimes get the feeling that
they give in too easily once you've overtaken them. You really have to
make a serious mistake before a car behind you tries to attack again.
From what I hear, the AI is far superior to the current (pre-patch)
CPR AI. 3rd party support by enthusiasts for this sim is great. For
instance, you can get updated carsets and driver performance files
from Michaael Carver's excellent homepage
Can't really comment on that, since I don't use them regularly. There
was and is a "Yellow Flag bug" which was never addressed, I seem to
remember. Last time I raced with yellows on, I was black-flagged for
"overtaking under yellow" although I most certainly didn't! Is that
the bug?
On my current machine (iP110 at 1.5*75), the two sims look equally
ugly. :) The driving model and car physics of Gp2 are more developed
and more demanding for the hardware than those of ICR2, so I think you
will be able to run Cart Racing at a reasonable frame rate with some
eye candy on on your P133.
I recommend buying it, especially for the comparatively low price.
Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.
wopr"at"stud.uni-sb.de \ There is no "2" in my real e-mail address.
Uni des Saarlands \ Sorry for the inconvenience. You know why.