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> Newsgroups: rec.autos.simulators
> Subject: Re: Steering wheel help
> Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 14:31:42 -0500
> Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
> Lines: 26
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> > >For the price you can't beat it. There are alot of better wheel/pedal
> > >combo's out there but they get real pricey. The wheel/pedal works fine
> > >on my 133 and Thrustmaster's post-purchase support is the BEST around.
> > Hi Mike,
Well lets not forget the GP1 by thrustmaster.
They're about $10 cheaper than T2.
And of about 15 people who have played the game now, I can safely say that all
15 (yes 100%) like the GP1 better, due to the acceleration and braking methods
used with hands instead of feet, much faster response times and better feel.
Can 15 out of 15 be worng?