WOn Wed, 01 Jan 1997 21:05:10 +0000, Rick Fisk
>> On a motorbike you are controlling the gears and brake with your feet,
>> and clutch and front brake have been transferred to your hands - it's
>> more of a swap than a total shift to hand control. Using both hands and
>> feet is still by far the best way to control either a real car or a sim
>> car.
>> Cheers!
>> John
>Hi John,
>Like you I prefer to drive real cars and sims with wheels and pedals.
>However, as a long time motorcyclist I can see how driving a sim with
>the GP1 might work very well. On a motorcycle all of the important
>controls that require a delicate touch are hand operated - steering,
>gas, clutch, and front wheel braking (70% of the braking capability is
>at the front wheel). My dad used to ride an AJS (English motorcycle)
>all over southern Michigan and he has only one leg!
>Happy New Year!
Well as someone who used to race both Motocross and later Road Raced
in endurance races on motorcycles I can tell you this BOTH of your
feet are very busy while racing!!! Compairing driving (or racing) a
car to a motorcycle is a joke. No way no how is it the same thing.
There are riders in F1 motorcycle racing who have had foot
injures have had extra controls placed on the handlebars to operate
the rear brake with their hands. So yes you do indeed use the rear
brake, yes the front takes the major work while racing but at times
you need to use the rear to make the bike stable. I have had the rear
brakes stop working one time due to a brake hose bursting and it made
racing a lot harder in that race.
At least I have raced at Daytona four times in real life so I guess I
can wait out for another three years until with get it in N2 or N3. By
then Sega probably will give it up I hope.