Steering Wheels help!

D.M.J. Po

Steering Wheels help!

by D.M.J. Po » Sat, 03 Feb 1996 04:00:00

I am an avid racer who is in need of a steering wheel, driving with a gamepad
is very unnatural. I would appreciate it if anyone could give me suggestions
on which wheel to buy. Thanx
Glenn Davi

Steering Wheels help!

by Glenn Davi » Sun, 04 Feb 1996 04:00:00

I have been very happy with my Thrustmaster T2, which I bought last
November. It costs about 150 UKP. The alternatives are the TSW, which
you would have to get imported from the US but is by most accounts
very good indeed, or the Extreme Competitive Controls wheel, which is
somewhat out of my price range !

Stuart Boo

Steering Wheels help!

by Stuart Boo » Tue, 06 Feb 1996 04:00:00

>I am an avid racer who is in need of a steering wheel, driving with a gamepad
>is very unnatural. I would appreciate it if anyone could give me suggestions
>on which wheel to buy. Thanx

There are several that I know of:

Thrustmaster T2 (
Thomas' Super Wheel (

and the most excellent:

Extreme Competition Controls "Competition Driving System"

Guess which one I own! The ECC CDS is a very cool looking beastie,
made out of steel (and weighing in at about 28lbs in total!). It
consists of an 11" diameter wheel covered in suede leather and 4
buttons near your thumbs, and a triangular metal wedge that houses the
pedals. It is VERY smooth to drive and I can't recommend it enough!
Check out the above web page for details and pictures. Email me if
you're interested in this system.

The cost is the tough bit to swallow, although having bought one from
the company in America and payed a stack to import it into the UK I
don't regret any of it. The T2 is about stlg150; the TSW I don't know
about but there are some in the country so somebody else may be able
to help; and the ECC CDS will cost you about stlg465 in total for both
units (it's $459 before shipping&handling, import tax, VAT and
handling at this end)

Stuart Booth
Somewhere in Epsom, England, UK.

Frank Perreau

Steering Wheels help!

by Frank Perreau » Sun, 11 Feb 1996 04:00:00

>I am an avid racer who is in need of a steering wheel, driving with a gamepad
>is very unnatural. I would appreciate it if anyone could give me suggestions
>on which wheel to buy. Thanx

I own a TSW wheel and am extremely happy with it also.  I think the
price is now $275.  Its another extremely well built unit like the
ECC(?) wheel.  It feels solid, and is.  Avoid the T1 (which the TSW
replaced).  Yah, it's cheap in price and quality.  If you plan on
doing a lot of serious racing, spend the bucks and get a good wheel.

--- Frank ---

N Py

Steering Wheels help!

by N Py » Sun, 11 Feb 1996 04:00:00

I agree. I had a T1 and brought it back within 30 days and got a TSW which
very happy with.  If you think you're going to spend a lot of time racing
and perhaps
join a league it's best to buy a good wheel.  The T1 was replaced by the
T2 and some
improvements were made but I've heard that the quality/control isn't too
different.  The
ECCI is supposed to be very good but you have to spend over $400.  There's
a review
on these wheels in PC Gamer Feb. issue.

Stuart Boo

Steering Wheels help!

by Stuart Boo » Sun, 11 Feb 1996 04:00:00

> The
>ECCI is supposed to be very good but you have to spend over $400.  There's
>a review
>on these wheels in PC Gamer Feb. issue.

Poke your browser at:

for a gander of the Extreme Competition Controls' kit!

Stuart Booth
Somewhere in Epsom, England, UK.

Charles L

Steering Wheels help!

by Charles L » Sat, 17 Feb 1996 04:00:00

>I agree. I had a T1 and brought it back within 30 days and got a TSW which
>very happy with.  If you think you're going to spend a lot of time racing
>and perhaps
>join a league it's best to buy a good wheel.  The T1 was replaced by the
>T2 and some
>improvements were made but I've heard that the quality/control isn't too
>different.  The
>ECCI is supposed to be very good but you have to spend over $400.  There's
>a review
>on these wheels in PC Gamer Feb. issue.

One question on the TSW:  How much space do you need under the desk to
clamp the wheel (assuming it uses clamps)?  I have an under-desk
keyboard drawer, and I have less than an inch between the keyboard
drawer and the edge of the desk.  Is this enough to mount the TSW?  Is
there another way to stick it to your desk?  I know the ECC wheel
doesn't use any clamping mechanism, because it is so heavy, but it's
price tag is way out of reach.


Julian Da

Steering Wheels help!

by Julian Da » Sat, 17 Feb 1996 04:00:00

How heavy is it?

Mark Kratzer    Brooklyn, New York, USA

CompuServe:     73142, 3650

Like 22 LBS!!!

                      Once Again To Terrorize The Competition in '96!...

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<GO EARNHARDT!!!!....    GO 3!! GO!!!..>>>>>>>>>>>>

                                 Number EIGHT Here We Come!!!!


IVGA Member #2342                          "Where Performance Is Recognized!"
INL                                            TNMS                                    NASSCAR
                     Joe Farr or BUST!!!!<GGGGGGGGGGGGGG>

Chris Drak

Steering Wheels help!

by Chris Drak » Sat, 17 Feb 1996 04:00:00

I haven't weighed my ECC, but I'd estimate it at 25lbs or so. It's all
steel construction and rock solid sitting on the desktop.
N Py

Steering Wheels help!

by N Py » Sun, 18 Feb 1996 04:00:00

When attached the clamp extends 3 inches under the desk.  It is removable
and is shaped
like this l_I with one of the sides being a bolt.  With some ingenuity it
might be
possible to clamp it permanently.  It does work without clamps because it
is heavy
and sits on the edge of the desk with an L shaped piece up against the
desk so you
can't push it forward. I think if someone drove with for awhile unclamped
you would get used to it- you just can't pull it toward you.  However the
clamp is definitely much

and might have a good idea for attaching.

Mark Kratz

Steering Wheels help!

by Mark Kratz » Sun, 18 Feb 1996 04:00:00

>One question on the TSW:  How much space do you need under the desk to
>clamp the wheel (assuming it uses clamps)?  I have an under-desk
>keyboard drawer, and I have less than an inch between the keyboard
>drawer and the edge of the desk.  Is this enough to mount the TSW?  Is
>there another way to stick it to your desk?  I know the ECC wheel
>doesn't use any clamping mechanism, because it is so heavy, but it's
>price tag is way out of reach.


How heavy is it?

Mark Kratzer    Brooklyn, New York, USA

CompuServe:     73142, 3650

Rick Ellio

Steering Wheels help!

by Rick Ellio » Sun, 18 Feb 1996 04:00:00

>One question on the TSW:  How much space do you need under the desk to
>clamp the wheel (assuming it uses clamps)?  I have an under-desk
>keyboard drawer, and I have less than an inch between the keyboard
>drawer and the edge of the desk.  Is this enough to mount the TSW?  Is
>there another way to stick it to your desk?  I know the ECC wheel
>doesn't use any clamping mechanism, because it is so heavy, but it's
>price tag is way out of reach.


The TSW  Wheel comes with a 5" clamp but if you need less Trev will
make a shorter clamp for you. Right now I am waiting for a 2 1/2"
clamp to arrive.


N Py

Steering Wheels help!

by N Py » Tue, 20 Feb 1996 04:00:00

I was wrong about the clearance under the desk for clamping the TSW.  The
clamp can be lowered to 3/4 inch however the bolt that keeps it in place
is 3 inches long.  However you could buy a shorter bolt and perhaps use a
nut instead
of a wingnut and it would probably fit in the one inch space.  However it
might not
be very convenient if you intend to remove the wheel every time.


Stuart Boo

Steering Wheels help!

by Stuart Boo » Tue, 20 Feb 1996 04:00:00

>>How heavy is it?
>Like 22 LBS!!!

Do you mean the T2?

The ECC CDS weighs 16lbs (wheel unit) and 12lbs (pedals) if I recall
correctly. There is NO clamping facility because none is required.
Lift this thing up with both hands and place it carefully on your

Stuart Booth ... Somewhere in Epsom, England, UK.

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David Schi

Steering Wheels help!

by David Schi » Tue, 20 Feb 1996 04:00:00

>>One question on the TSW:  How much space do you need under the desk to
>>clamp the wheel (assuming it uses clamps)?  I have an under-desk
>>keyboard drawer, and I have less than an inch between the keyboard
>>drawer and the edge of the desk.  Is this enough to mount the TSW?  Is
>>there another way to stick it to your desk?  I know the ECC wheel
>>doesn't use any clamping mechanism, because it is so heavy, but it's
>>price tag is way out of reach.


>How heavy is it?

>Mark Kratzer        Brooklyn, New York, USA

>CompuServe: 73142, 3650

The TSW requires about 3 inches clearance below the desk for the clamp
and goes in from the front about 4 inches. So, one way would be to
attach a small piece of plywood to your desk that extends out about 4
or 5 inches and clamp the wheel onto the plywood.

The TSW wheel console is about 22 pounds heavy, and while the ECC is
supposedly about 25 pounds, it doesn't have any suction cups or clamp.
I could not see using my TSW without a clamp even if it were 10 pounds
heavier since in certain tight racing situations, the amount of force
required to turn the wheel quickly would cause it to move, unless you
always exerted a downward force on it.  I've never used the ECC though
so this is just conjecture on my part as to whether the TSW is better
than the ECC in this regard.

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