Steering Wheels, HELP!

Scott Rixo

Steering Wheels, HELP!

by Scott Rixo » Mon, 11 May 1998 04:00:00

I am looking for a new wheel. I had an F1 Racing Sim and was very impressed,
but I broke it! The accelerator failed in a race. I am now looking for a new

My problem is that I live in the UK, I can't find any wheels other than the
thrustmaster wheels. I don't rate the thrustmaster wheels so I am looking
for some thing else. Can any one help?

Trevor C Thoma

Steering Wheels, HELP!

by Trevor C Thoma » Mon, 11 May 1998 04:00:00

> I am looking for a new wheel. I had an F1 Racing Sim and was very impressed,
> but I broke it! The accelerator failed in a race. I am now looking for a new
> one.

> My problem is that I live in the UK, I can't find any wheels other than the
> thrustmaster wheels. I don't rate the thrustmaster wheels so I am looking
> for some thing else. Can any one help?

Hi Scott,

Have you considered a TSW Formula model? We have the BEST equipment made
with a warranty to match :) please take a look at:


I think you will like what you see :)!


Richard Carls

Steering Wheels, HELP!

by Richard Carls » Tue, 12 May 1998 04:00:00

I agree!

I have  TSW2. Don't waste money on a TM wheel, the TSW is not much
more money and will outlast any Thrustmaster or CH Wheel! The
difference is unbelievable!!!!

Check 'em out!!!


Rick Carlson

>> I am looking for a new wheel. I had an F1 Racing Sim and was very impressed,
>> but I broke it! The accelerator failed in a race. I am now looking for a new
>> one.

>> My problem is that I live in the UK, I can't find any wheels other than the
>> thrustmaster wheels. I don't rate the thrustmaster wheels so I am looking
>> for some thing else. Can any one help?

>Hi Scott,

>Have you considered a TSW Formula model? We have the BEST equipment made
>with a warranty to match :) please take a look at:


>I think you will like what you see :)!


Trevor C Thoma

Steering Wheels, HELP!

by Trevor C Thoma » Tue, 12 May 1998 04:00:00

> I agree!

> I have  TSW2. Don't waste money on a TM wheel, the TSW is not much
> more money and will outlast any Thrustmaster or CH Wheel! The
> difference is unbelievable!!!!

> Check 'em out!!!

> Regards,

> Rick Carlson

Hi Rick, thanks a lot for the recommendation :)!



Steering Wheels, HELP!

by ACers » Tue, 12 May 1998 04:00:00

>I am looking for a new wheel. I had an F1 Racing Sim and was very impressed,
>but I broke it! The accelerator failed in a race. I am now looking for a new

>My problem is that I live in the UK, I can't find any wheels other than the
>thrustmaster wheels.


It may be of interest to you to look up our CDS2 and CDS2SR controllers. In the
construction of our units, we do not use ANY plastic bearing structures like
the wheel you mentioned and most others. We use only high quality ball bearings
in the steering mechanism, and proper sintered bronze bushings everywhere else
including the pedals. We also offer a truly adjustable steering mechanism with
the ability to tune spring resistance characteristics and travel, all with no
loss in reliability. We use only top quality industrial grade components for
everything including the critical potentiometers. Most users of our products
experience avarage potentiometer life in excess of two years even with intense
daily use.


Andy Cers

Laurence Lindstro

Steering Wheels, HELP!

by Laurence Lindstro » Tue, 12 May 1998 04:00:00

    < Snip >

> Scott,

> It may be of interest to you to look up our CDS2 and CDS2SR controllers.  

> HTTP://

> Regards!
> Andy Cers

   Is this the ECCI line?  

   My ECCI CDS2 is very sweet.  


Peter Gag

Steering Wheels, HELP!

by Peter Gag » Wed, 13 May 1998 04:00:00

> >My problem is that I live in the UK, I can't find any wheels other th
> an the thrustmaster wheels.

You gotta be kidding me? Where the hell have you been looking? under a

Try PC World

Try Game

Try Electronic Boutique

Try Curry's, Dixons & your local toyshops

Try Mail order from any pc games mag

Try direct from companies like Simply Computers or Special reserve

And as for *only* Thrustmaster wheels? (which are pretty good as it

Try the per4ormer (crap)

Try the Destiny wheel & pedals (so so)

Try the F1 Sim & F1 Sim compact (Great, but expensive))

Try the Top drive wheel and pedals (so so)

Try the VRF1 Wheel and pedals (good)

Try exporting from the USA, eg:- the ECCI or TSW wheel and pedal set-ups
(probably the best, but most expensive)

Is that enough for you?

Sheeeshh, some people.......

*Peter*    8-)
(NB: remove asterix to e-mail)

Trevor C Thoma

Steering Wheels, HELP!

by Trevor C Thoma » Thu, 14 May 1998 04:00:00

>  Hello Trevor,I was wondering if you could give us some scoop on the rumor
> that Papyrus asked you to start working on a clutch and H-shifter for use in
> GPL?Is this true and if so can you tell us details?

Hi, we're under NDA with Papy so I cant say anything about what we may
or may not be doing, OK?

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