> >My problem is that I live in the UK, I can't find any wheels other th
> an the thrustmaster wheels.
You gotta be kidding me? Where the hell have you been looking? under a
Try PC World
Try Game
Try Electronic Boutique
Try Curry's, Dixons & your local toyshops
Try Mail order from any pc games mag
Try direct from companies like Simply Computers or Special reserve
And as for *only* Thrustmaster wheels? (which are pretty good as it
Try the per4ormer (crap)
Try the Destiny wheel & pedals (so so)
Try the F1 Sim & F1 Sim compact (Great, but expensive))
Try the Top drive wheel and pedals (so so)
Try the VRF1 Wheel and pedals (good)
Try exporting from the USA, eg:- the ECCI or TSW wheel and pedal set-ups
(probably the best, but most expensive)
Is that enough for you?
Sheeeshh, some people.......
*Peter* 8-)
(NB: remove asterix to e-mail)