How dare they have such a cavalier attitude! "It will be done when it is
done" my ass. I demand a firm release date. I demand concrete information.
I demand an update now or I'll start a class action lawsuit. I paid my damn
$$$ for these mods so they better . . . never mind. ;0)
I love the damn mods and cannot wait for the next version, especially ALMS
with improved physics (please give us less grippy tires).
Joe Marques
> I race with some of the RSDG (ALMS) guys weekly using roger wilco and I
> they have new physics coming out soon, but they will never tell you when
> I won't ask. I do not believe either FIA or ALMS are waiting for F12002.
> basically it is the same old line ' it will be done when it is done'
> FatnSlo
> > The FiaGT_V2 mod team has posted about a V3 update...when will we see
> > this?
> > The ALMS web pages show many new cars, the ALMS Corvettes, the Viper,
> some
> > LMP 900 cars, when will this make it out?
> > LeMans 2k1 is still in Beta with a 2002 update planned...when?
> > I am assuming that most of the mods are waiting on the release of F1
> 2002,
> > is this correct?
> > dave(gimmie, gimmie, gimmie :> )henrie