FF effects on W2k and GPL

Hena Hakkane

FF effects on W2k and GPL

by Hena Hakkane » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I received this response when I queried Force Feedback status on W2k RC3
from Logitech:

"Yes, RC3 does support FF effects. However, it may not work with all games
as some games try to create all effects at the begining and if any effect
creation fails, it will disable FF. Also some games do not like -ve axis
range which the drivers in RC3 provide.  If you want to check if your stick
plays FF effects, you can test it with ffdonuts.
We are currently working on porting the profiler on Win2k. As soon as we
have a decent Beta, we will be posting it onthe Wingmanteam web site."

Now, a friend of mine has been experimenting with RC3 and GPL, and he hasn't
been able to get the effects in the sim.

Has any of you been successful in getting FF effects in GPL running RC3? If
not, is Papy aware of this problem?

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