For me, part of what makes it so difficult is that I seem to get a bit of a
slow down in fps just before the little hump... I'm not sure why, caus there
doesn't seem to be too much going on graphics wise, but oh well. That's not
the only reason, mind you, its a *** of a section, but it certainly
doesn't help.
I tend to touch the brakes just before the hump then just cruise through...
i know I could take it faster, but not with any sort of consistency.
(missing it once is far worse than going through a little slow 15 times)
i'm doing around 1:30, don' tknow if that's quick or not.
> You need to take it just a bit easy over the hill before the chicane, so
> that your rear doesn't become instable/disturbed. You need to control the
> rear of the car before you can take it flat out. When your rear is loaded
> (you're on the throttle, right?), you can power through without thinking
> going off the throttle. And you need some angle to get through, but not
> much.
> And look far forward, don't get duped by the frightening hay bale and
> fence. And when you manage to take it on the limit, you'll get a light
> slide exiting, use this opportunity to wave to the beautiful redhead on
> right side...
> ---Asgeir---
> > Finally, after 10 months of owning the game, i'm trying to do a season
> > in novice mode, pathetic eh? Race two, Monaco, how the hell do people
> > get around there. I'm not stupid when it comes to going fast and
> > consistent, but i guess that's Monza (21 lap race and never going above
> > 1:29, and 6 lapper at no more than 1:28, my best lap ever came out of
> > that race, 1:28.38). I guess my biggest problem at Monaco was the
> > chicane. How do you line it up and how can you go through it without
> > hitting any hay, other than coasting in fourth? Oh well, Zandvoort
> > next...
> > Thanx to whom replays .