How cool is that
How cool is that
Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.
Uni des Saarlands \ and U.S. law. You have been warned.
Don't know if that is true, Monaco in '67 (if I remember correctly)
was pre-chicane (i.e the one after the tunnel & the swimming pool
Pretty Balsy stuff!
>>How cool is that
>Pretty cool. Not as much as having the Ring, but anyway. :)
>Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are
>Uni des Saarlands \ and U.S. law. You have been warned.
Ok, so the question is, can we throw our car into the drink? Like in the
Grand Prix film.
I see no reason why not, but will it sink, or will it drive across the
top of the water, like a kinda Jesus-mobile?
I'm guessing they'll all sink apart from Jim Clark ;)