me up a ($99)MOMO FF wheel at CompUSA. (None of the local stores had
one...Best Buy, Circuit City etc.....) He dropped it off to me at work
3 hours before I could go home....yes....I had that Giddy "Christmas
morning" feeling we all used to get as kids!!(I'm 42!) To make it
worse, my wife calls right as I'm leaving and gives me several errands
to run before I can go home....Dohhhhhh!! That beautiful red & black
box rode shotgun next to me in my new Ferrari.....wait......that was a
dream I had the other 01'Civic. Luckily, she's gone with
our 3 kids when I arrive at home so I have no distractions as I go
through the "New Hardware" setup ritual. I've had a LWFF "red" wheel
since 98' and was quit pleased with its performance for the past few
years. But, after reading the posts about the new MOMO...I had to try
The install goes without a hitch.... everything seems to be working
in the test panel so It's time to fire up GTR2002 and give her a spin.
Palms are sweating...heart is racing...pulse is's time for
I load Donnington with the 550M for the initial test run. After
about 2 laps, I am grinning like the "Joker"!! This wheel is awesome!!
I was expecting to be "underwhelmed". I didn't figure that I would see
much difference between the old & the new...boy was I wrong!! If I had
to pick one phrase to sum up the difference it would be: Smooth
BTW...I've bought other wheels since getting my LWFF but they all
went back.... Not this baby! There is nothing negative I can think of
about this wheel..I even love the pedals (been using CH Pro Pedals)
and for $99.00?? WOW!
The only negative is the weak manual. But, I'm no rookie so it
wasn't an issue anyway.
My System is homemade. 1.8mhz XP Athlon/Asus MB, 512Ram(2700), G4
4400AGP, 60G 7200RPM HD, SB Live W/2.1 Klipsch Speakers (these ROCK!),
19" Flat Viewsonic...cable modem.
It's been a LONG time since that "Special" warm, fuzzy feeling I had
when I first got Grand Prix Legends...the feeling of being on the
"EDGE" is back!!(The sensation of speed is far better than GPL
also.)....GTR2002+MOMO has brought it all back in spades!! I'm
ecstatic to say the least! GTR2002 is now the KING in my book (sorry
GPL fanboys). The only thing to do now is get this sucker optimized
for multiplayer racing.
So...whoever's reading this and has doubts about getting the
MOMO.... don't!! It's an unbelievable wheel for $99.00.