> I guess I will just have to wait until the USA release of the final
> product. I have some other gripes, but they may be a matter of tuning
> or differences in demo vs. the final release. I won't dwell on it,
> but just briefly, in my opinion the force feedback is not subtle
> enough and just does not feel right to me, and the demo car (again
> this is probably setup) has a tendency for the rear to oscillate at
> high speeds if the wheel is not held perfectly steady.
> I look forward to GTR's USA release in March as it looks like a very
> ambitious project. But I am trying not to get my hopes too high.
> Having seen many generations of entertainment software developed, with
> very few exceptions, it is usually more about taking advantage of
> newer glitzier graphics and sound capabilities of new generation
> hardware than it is about building on past code algorithms to develop
> more realistic feel and performance. I would gladly give up some of
> the former to get more of the later.
> Ron
>>> I guess the point is, I don't what to play arcade mode. I wan't a
>>> realistic sim with the AI cars having an equal chance of damage or
>>> sliding and spinning as I do.
>>> I just went back and loaded 'F1 Challenge' and 'GPL' and ran a few
>>> laps. Based on the 'GTR' Demo, 'GTR' looks and sounds good, but I
>>> still don't know if it is better.
>>> Ron
>>>>> I installed the new GTR demo today, and I must say I am very
>>>>> impressed with the physics of the cars you can drive.
>>>>> Now the problem... I have noticed that the AI cars seem damn
>>>>> invincible. I mean, if you tap one you are likely to spin
>>>>out, but
>>>>> you can practicly ram them and they just zoom on down the
>>>>> Is this just the demo, and the actual game will behave
>>>>correctly, or
>>>>> have I missed something? I have tried this in 'simulation'
>>>>> 'semi-pro' modes and it does it in both.
>>>>Try Arcade mode. The way to get passed the AI cars is to keep
>>>>your speed up approaching the turns then brake hard. Unless you
>>>>go off track, it's hard to spin in Arcade mode. I have done
>>>>2:06.xxx with the GT but I've heard of 2:02.
>>>>Hit the other cars if you have to while passing.
>>>>> I am used to driving 'F1 Challenge' which behaves much
>>>>> Ron
>>Remember it is only a demo. Im not saying the full version will improve
>>the areas you describe but it is just a demo.
A couple key tweaks for me that helped tremendously were, first and foremost
the tire sound/scrubbing/squeal. I really crank em up. In the
neighborhood of 130%. Call it a weak tire model or at least not up to
standard but the sound increase makes up for the lack of "feel" in spades
I didnt do anything different from NR2003 on my Momo force/ecci. IIRC I
used a guy named sphankys Momo setup guide and the FF is just about pefect
out the box on my rig.
I do get the oscilations you describe though but not to the point where its
a problem for me. I can damp out some but I like the positive feel without
damping more.
Im suprised to hear someone say F1C was better in any respect. Im no F1C
expert by any means but it always seemed to missing something. I cant
quite put my finger on it but tire model always seemed very weak to me.
People still complain of GTR in the same way but to me its improved
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