I am finding myself in a situation where I'm (forced) to run against the AI
at all the Papy tracks (the reason is not important, but its a legitimate
reason). I've heard all the complaints against the Papy AI.....since the N3
days. Normally, MP takes 99% of my sim racing time.....so I never really
cared (maybe Papy doesn't care about their AI for the same reason?
So...after running against the AI for several weeks now, here's some
thoughts/questions.......words of frustration:
1. Using the AI strength slider to adjust the AI speed, visa vise the real
Cup driver's speeds at any given track - is virtually useless. Why?
Because no matter what the lap time is, they are too slow in the turns and
too fast in the straights (or some variation thereof). You are either
running into the back of them in the turns, or being blown away as they
accelerate out of them! Is there a way to globally reduce the AI
acceleration rate......so you can get a better balance between turn speed
and straight acceleration (which should have an effect on limiting top
speed)? My reasoning here is that if you can do this, then you could turn
the "strength slider" up to get the turn speeds "in the window" and then
limit the rate of acceleration until the laps times are what they should be.
Or, is this dreaming?
2. What is it that makes them run into the back of you....as if you were
not on the track? Is this a bug? Is this adjustable with some ini tweak?
Is the AI "player car" detection programming based on the difference between
their speed on the "player's" car? Do you have to be going some percentage
of their speed before they can "detect" your presence in front of them?
3. This is what really gets me: I can go out on the web and download just
about anything.......from "third party add-on" sites.....I want for N2K2. I
can even get from fancy painted shift knobs and dashes to entire tracks to
engine sounds, to cute bird sounds! All of that is nice, but those are
things that Papy does pretty well already. However, the biggest "lacking"
of N2K2....and typical of most Papy sims over the last several
years.......is the crappy AI. However, nobody is doing "add-on" AI work?
Heck, based on "need" you'd think there would be hundreds of sites and hacks
for this.....but I can't find a single one. I don't understand, I guess?
Maybe the AI programming system is too complicated? Maybe its too "funky"
and it can't be programmed to work properly? What ever! Papy....if you are
not going to put out a sim with the AI done well (and I don't have a problem
with you slacking off in this area - your MP is super - BUT!!!!!).....and
you are not going to "patch" this problem for N2K2 (and I don't think you
are).....could you at least put out a "white paper" on your AI programming
code.....so some of the talented people in this sim community can fix the AI
for you? Please.....!!!!!!