In an earlier post, it was suggested that the sound card might be causing
the hiccups.
GPL was having terrible hiccups (6-8 per lap at short tracks), when I
played it. I uninstalled the Live Ware 2.0 software for the SB Live Value
and installed Live Ware 3.0 (without the Creative Launcher). Now, GPL has
no hiccups and the frame rate is up dramatically.
(More information for TNT'ers who are having trouble with frame rates.)
Now, I'm GPL'ing and GP500'ing non-stop.
Keith Kramer
P3 500
Diamond Viper 770 TNT2
SB Live Value
128 MB
> I've upgraded my computer. It's now a PIII 450, 64 ram, Vood 3-3K.
> There is a dramatic improvement in grahics and handling. I drove for
> months with a framerate between 5 and 7, before the upgrade. That was
> difficult. Now getting 22 to 37 with almost all detail turned on,
> except for mirrors. Now, I can see why so many of you enjoy this sim.
> But, I am getting some small intermittent (1/4 or 1/2 second?) freeze
> ups during driving and also in replays. How can I eliminate those
> hiccups? Is this a ram issue? Increase to 128? Or should I reduce the
> graphics? Or maybe a swap file adjustment needs to be made? Thank you
> in advance for the help.
> C. Beaudouin