upgrade my system.
Right now, I have an AMD k6-200 with a Righteous3D (Voodoo 1) card. I
already chose to upgrade to a Celeron 300A, which I'll overclock. My
question is whether it's worth upgrading to a Voodoo2 (12 Meg) also.
I've read that with a fast PII or Celeron, the Voodoo1 becomes the new
bottleneck on the system. How much of a bottleneck does it create?
Also, if it is worth going to a Voodoo2, which card do you recommend?
I've read a good review of the BestData card, which isn't one of the
"name" brands, but sells for $149 at EB. Any thoughts on this card? (I
really don't care about what software bundle comes with what card. I
would just like to get the most bang for my buck with the card.)
Once Again, I'm interested in what would be best in regards to racing