> problem.
> Setup:
> Anthalon 650, latest BIOS, latest AGP drivers
> GeForce 256 DDR (Annihilator Pro), tried 3.68, 5.08 Drivers
> GPL 1.2, OpenGL beta 2
> WMFF (works great)
> Software mode works fine, just ugly. Goes OK speed
> Other 3-D games work (Half-Life in OpenGL mode, NFS:HS, Mobil-1
> [RC-2000]) excellent.
> GPL, OTOH, gives me about 5-10 fps when I am lucky. Loading a menu takes
> 15 seconds or more. It is absolutely dog slow. Starting a race takes
> over a minute (switching to full screen in-car mode). Played with
> mirrors setting, etc. Nothing seems to make it go.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated; I hate rebooting my
> K6-350/Voodoo3 into Win98 just to play GPL; this machine should do at
> least as well.
> Oh: Anybody tried a Glide wrapper? Maybe that is the answer, but I doubt
> it...
> Paul Kierstead