I received the following information from ACT Labs regarding split
axis support for the basic ACT Labs RS wheel. It seems that the new
drivers will NOT provide split axis support for the RS wheel,
The regular RS PC cartridge does not support split-axis. It is the
hardware, not the driver that determines this in this case. I think
the confusion comes because the latest driver revision for the Force
RS included split axis support. In that case, the hardware can support
3 analog axis. The RS PC cartridge supports only 2.
Future versions of the PC cartridge will likely include split-axis
support, though this will not be available anytime soon. Existing RS
owners will of course be able to purchase the revised engine for use
with their present wheel, when it becomes available.
>ok, to answer my own question, off of the act labs site:
>"NEW!!!! - We recommend everyone download this new driver. Independent Pedal
>Axis support! "
>also in respoinse to Johm Bodin's earlier p[ost in another thread...
>"If you go with the full ACT
>Labs PDPI/RS combo, you also get split-axis support"
>this dosn't seem to be the case anymore for the force feedback version, but
>it has yet to ber implimented in the non force it seeems...
>>I've heard that this patch does not add dual axis, I'm having a hard time
>>getting one answer on this...
>>can I go read it somewhere concretely?
>>>The new patch has enabled auto-center for non-FF games like GPL.
>>>level of centering. It works well. The new patch also enables separate
>>>for brake and accel.
>>>BTW, you should hang out over at www.force-1.com's discussion board. ACT
>>>guys read it regularly.
>>>> Will it autocenter (like the MS wheel) for not FF games?
>>>> --
>>>> Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
>>>> cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com
>>>> >The ACT pedals are very horizontal. You're basically pushing straight
>>>> on
>>>> >them. Personally, I prefer them to my T2 pedals for exactly that
>>>> you're
>>>> >ankles don't get tired. They also have a much shorter range of travel
>>>> the
>>>> >T2 pedals, but it isn't a problem (for me, anyways) once you get used
>>>> it.
>>>> >They're big and heavy, and if you use them on a carpeted floor they
>>>> >slide. At all. I find them quite comfy during long races. But the
>>>> is
>>>> >the high point, feels great and ZERO dead spot.
>>>> > Zog
>>>> >> Hey everyone,
>>>> >> I just looked at the act labs RS steering wheel and the pedals look
>>>> pretty
>>>> >> horizontal. I was wondering how they were. I prefer vertical pedals
>>>> >> (realistic) and I was wondering if it was more like steping on teh
>>>> >> rather than pushing on them. I have tryed semi horizontal pedals and
>>>> they
>>>> >> just dont give you any feel of a car, i like my nascar pro cause of
>>>> vert
>>>> >> pedals. So how are the pedals for the act labs?
>>>> >> Jesse
>>>> >--
>>>> >Don't let the bastards grind you down.
>>>> >Doug Schneider
>>>> >Bedford, Nova Scotia
>>>> >Canada
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