>Subject: GP2 SPEED - 220mph - how?
>Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 13:55:25 +0100
>In the Hockenheim GP yesterday I raced the track myself beforehand.
>With fiddling around I managed to just push 200mph, but was then
>disheartened to hear Hill was doing 220+ in Berger's slipstream.
>So, what's the fastest anyone has been up to in F1GP2? And how
>different are perferomance/setup rules this year from '94?
I pushed it to 333km a hour in practise on Hochenheim. Yet those chicanes
really slowed the overall times down because you have to brake a lot to get
into a good speed for the tighter turns and then you need to accelerate
again. I am only at rookie mode (except damage is turned on), but I could only
manage 1.50 in qualifying. I need to frig around a lot with the setups if I
want to break 1.48. And the top time is 1.43!!!
DISCLAIMER: My comments are my own and not necessarily those of my employer
OR my service provider.
Ashraf Ghebranious
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