I don't really know how fast or slow GP2 is, because I'm still waiting
for it. A lot of you are saying that GP2 sucks because the SVGA graphics
are so slow, and that ICR2 and NASCAR are better because you can get
a better SVGA mode frame rate. Let me ask you this: When NASCAR first
came out, how many of you were able to run it in SVGA mode with a lot
of detail and get a decent frame rate out of it? Not very many people had the
hardware for it back then. The same goes for ICR2. Computers are faster now,
and the code is optimized so ICR 2 runs better than NASCAR in SVGA mode. It
can still slow down, though. In ICR2, with most detail turned on in SVGA
mode, I've been able to get up to 20 fps. The lowest was 9 fps. It depends on
the track and where I am on the track. From the pictures I've seen so far,
GP2 has more detail than ICR2 or NASCAR. You can expect it to run slower then
in SVGA mode than ICR2 or NASCAR. Why don't you run in regular VGA mode
then, until Pentium 300s or something like that come out? I heard from a
friend that the VGA mode of GP2 isn't all that bad. I think the same thing
from some of the VGA pictures I've seen. Just my 2 cents worth.