> >Subject: GP2 SPEED - 220mph - how?
> >Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 13:55:25 +0100
> >In the Hockenheim GP yesterday I raced the track myself beforehand.
> >With fiddling around I managed to just push 200mph, but was then
> >disheartened to hear Hill was doing 220+ in Berger's slipstream.
> >So, what's the fastest anyone has been up to in F1GP2? And how
> >different are perferomance/setup rules this year from '94?
> I pushed it to 333km a hour in practise on Hochenheim. Yet those chicanes
> really slowed the overall times down because you have to brake a lot to get
> into a good speed for the tighter turns and then you need to accelerate
> again. I am only at rookie mode (except damage is turned on), but I could only
> manage 1.50 in qualifying. I need to frig around a lot with the setups if I
> want to break 1.48. And the top time is 1.43!!!
> I get about the same speed on mine actually i think yours is faster, i
think i get about 331kph, the trick is to get as much downforce as
possible without adjusting your wings, ruduce the ride hight all round
keeping back higher than the front. If the plank wears on the ground use
packers so the suspension doesn't move down as much. My top time in
practice is about 1.46, i use keyboard so i can't better that for now
but you've got a joystick or better a wheel u can take 2 or more seconds
off. If u want u can have my setup just let me know.
Signing off Homer Simpson