at a race where the wheel freaked out and lost all of it's FF.
The innards of the Logitech Wheel made a weird motor sound
then all of a sudden the effects were gone. Just wobbly crap.
So I decided to give the 3.20 Logitech beta a try. I had a hard
crash and things got a little weird again but that could be from
a missing rear wheel :-) Anyway is it a known problem that the
Logitech FF wheel looses its FF effects in F1RS somehow?
If so, does MGPRS2 fix this?
When it works the wheel is awesome. *WAY* better than the
MS wheel I tried 6 months ago. I was going to give some type
of "my review" on the wheel but then this problem crept in.
I guess I have 14 days to figure out if I should return it to Best
Buy or not...
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cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com