Hmm...choosing between the two seems to be a very subjective thing from
what I can see.
Question 1: Can't the issue with the Force RS having too much force
sometimes be dealt with my adjusting the force in Immersion's software?
Secondly, if you decrease the amount of force on the Force RS, does the
centering of the wheel also become loose?
Question 2: What's the issue with the ACT Labs Force RS pedals
sticking? First time I heard about this.
Now for some babble....
Well these were my concerns about the Logitech wheel....not enough
travel on the pedals and lack of resistance. But as Greg has said, he
is satisfied with the pedals. If I look at the pictures of the Logitech
pedals compared to the ACT Force RS pedals, the latter seem to have
more travel....but then again, I haven't tried them. Secondly, there
are only 4 buttons on the Logitech wheel compared to the gazzilion that
are on the ACT Force RS wheel. Is this a concern for me? Well so far
I've been playing racing games with my joystick and frankly I haven't
used more than 3 or four anyways so for me 4 may be ok.
Now concerning the strength of forces...from what I have experienced on
my MS Sidewinder Force Feedback Joystick in NFS3...more force feedback
hasn't resulted in greater fact for myself forces are
there to help me understand what the car is doing realistically and not
having to fight it all the time. I remember I had set the FF volume to
the max last night and it was BRUTAL. So I guess for myself, more
force may not always be fun. However if the forces on the Force RS can
be adjusted well so that they are smooth but not excessive, then I'm
Oh another advantage to the Force RS..their upcoming gear shifter add-
on...hmmm looks interesting but will I really use it. Or will the
paddles on the Logitech Wheel suffice? Mabye I'm thinking too deep
about this stuff! :)
As for USB, serial port...serial port should be as fast as USB I guess
so that's not a major concern for me....whatever works properly I'll
Score: I'm still not sure which one to buy! :)
> >They are both nice wheels with nice styling. They
> >both also have deficient pedals.
> In your opinion. Have you ever tried the Logitech in F1RS
> or SCGT? I have for dozens of hours. They are fine pedals.
> >> Anyway I now have the Logitech. Would more force make it
> >> a better wheel? Heck no.
> >Heck yes! That's where FF is going - more (and smoother)
> >force. More force equals more dynamic range for FF
> >effects. It's like the difference between listening to
> >a vinyl record vs. a compact disc.
> Ok I guess I can understand that. However force feedback
> which rips the wheel from my hands is of no use to me with
> a computer game. I believe the Logitech forces are fine. The
> software people just need to model more, like bumps in the
> tracks... Which both F1RS and SCGT do model to some extent.
> >(Note - I'm not saying the Logitech wheel is like an
> >LP, while the RS is like a CD - just comparing the
> >dynamic ranges of the two mediums to show the need
> >for more force).
> I didn;t think you showed that at all.
> >GPL solves that problem! You need to break down
> >and buy it :)
> How exactly does GPL solve that? I have not heard that
> the FF patch was released and that it actually worked.
> >USB will be nice, but serial is no problem at all.
> As a consumer you apparently do not want USB and are
> OK with serial. Fine. As a consumer I was looking for USB
> and Logitech was the only choice. It just happens to be a good
> wheel too.
> --
> Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming
> cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com
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