It depends on whether your using a digital, (switched), or analogue
control device.
Keyboards and some joysticks are digital.
The steering help should be ON with a digital device because as soon as
you press a button to accelerate, brake, or steer, you have FULL
acceleration, braking, or steering.
There is no "in between" with a digital device, its either full on or
If you have steering help, (or throttle help) OFF when using a digital
device, you will find the car very difficult to handle.
Some joysticks, and as far as I know, all steering wheels are analogue
devices, eg:- imput = output.
So if you turn the wheel just 20%, the car turns just 20%, not full lock.
If you press an aceelerator or brake 50%, you will only accelerate or
brake at 50%.
You have much more control with an analogue device as it is Proportional,
not just on or off.
The steering help, (and throttle help) should be OFF for an analogue
device, this will give you much more "feel" to the cars handling.
**Peter** #:?)