> I was playing NFS-SE the other day and got up to 160 in the Viper (top
> speed). When I hit the "shift-up" button, the car went up to 6th gear,
> but my speed started to decrease.
> What's up there?
> - Tom N.
> --
> ==============================================================================
> "Power is nothing without the ability to control it."
> - From the 1996 Porsche 911 brochure
> ==============================================================================
Although I've never had the pleasure of driving a Dodge Viper, I think you'll
find there's nothing 'wrong'. The 6th gear on the Viper is for reduced engine
speed at high road speeds, and should not be considered a 'power' or 'sport' gear.
Put simply, there's no need to use 6th gear in NFS. This rule does not apply
to some of the other 6 speed cars (Supra, 911). The ZR1, although I never drive
it, is (I presume) the same - 6th gear is redundant.
To put it *technically*, the engine in the Viper does not put out enough power
in 6th at 160mph to overcome the forces of friction and drag, and so slows down.
5th gear ups the revs and provides enough power to maintain a speed of 160.
Kinda sounds ridiculous, doesn't it - "the engine in the Viper does not put out
enough power...." :-))
Hope this helps. Cheers,