the Nvidia 508 drivers and the BETA GL drivers for GPL.
If I try to run the game at anything higher than 640x480 I either get:
1. A small view port in the upper-left corner that shows 25% of the
2. Multiple images that are interlaced and tiled around the screen
that flicker madly.
The game used to work fine using the default CLabs drivers that came
with the card but I had to upgrade to make some other games compatible
and now GPL goes to hell unless I run in 640x480.
While the game is still playable at this low resolution - it is
certainly a disappointment after playing at 1280x1024. I suppose I
could go back to the old CL drivers but I'd rather not make all my
other games not work to get a single game to work again.
Any tips would be appreciated. And - yes I've recently reinstalled
DX70a just to make sure....