Hi all;
I have downloaded the 1965 GP carset and installed it ------- it
is without a doubt MUCH better and more fun than the 1967 carset, in
my opinion.
I find the cars are not as "nervous" and respond in a more
"dignified" way.
My problem is this ----
When going to GEM+2 and running a race against the AI, I find the
cars are lapping at unrealistic speeds.
For example:
I went to Milano Oval and most all the cars are lapping at 55 to
56 seconds, with top speeds at 185 to 188 mph
I am getting about 165 to 166 at the top limit.
Is there an adjustment or "hack" (for lack of a better term) that
SLOWS DOWN the AI????????
I just want to be able to have a bit of fun in a close race,
rather than watch all the field leave me in their dust!!!!!!
Assist is appreciated, thanks in advance for any help.