I'm wonderin if there is a way in the track.txt files to adust the AI a bit.
What I would like to do is speed up the AI in the corners a bit and slow them
down a tad on the straights. Is this possible?
I'm wonderin if there is a way in the track.txt files to adust the AI a bit.
What I would like to do is speed up the AI in the corners a bit and slow them
down a tad on the straights. Is this possible?
LP file changes are required to do this. Even with this, it is difficult
to speed the AI up in the corners - since the NASCAR Racing program has
some built in algorithms for determining speed loss due to friction during
cornering etc. One simple solution to try is to improve the traction
numbers for the AI cars. This, however, does not appear to help at
Talladega, where I think this problem is most prevelant. I tend to run up
on the AI cars in the corners and find it difficult to keep pace on the
straights (with rels=115). This causes a drafting problem - since I am at
risk of losing the draft down the straights and the AI cars tend to lose MY
draft in the corners.
Thanks for the reply. FYI: I already have the traction of the AI bumped up to
700-900 which is quite a bit higher than the stock ratings. Actually it didn't
seem to help with the cornering speeds, but definatley lap times overall were
enhanced. So I deducted it sped up staight and cornering speeds. It would be
nice to get the AI to run a tad faster in the corners, it does get a bit
tricky and unrealsitic when you come up on them so trong and then you have to
break heavily. Oh well. Thanks again. I'll just live with it.
: Thanks for the reply. FYI: I already have the traction of the AI bumped up to
: 700-900 which is quite a bit higher than the stock ratings. Actually it
: didn't seem to help with the cornering speeds, but definatley lap times
: overall were enhanced. So I deducted it sped up staight and cornering speeds.
: It would be nice to get the AI to run a tad faster in the corners.
It takes more than just bumping up the traction numbers. All of the
numbers for Power, Drag and Traction work together with the RELS and BLAP
numbers to create a formula.
I am used to tweaking the AI in Indycar, so I'm not sure if these will
work the same way in N2 or not. The person that mentioned the .LP files
is correct, but you can get them pretty decent with the numbers in the
TRACK.TXT file without any fancy hacking.
This is the Reader's Digest version of AI tweaking. It is more of an art
than a science. ;)
First, you need to take the AI Strength, that is set in the Options menu,
out of the equation. Set this to 100% and leave it there.
Now, put ALL numbers at 500 for Power, Traction and Drag MINIMUM settings
and 501 for said MAXIMUM settings in the DRIVERS2.TXT file. It is
your choice to do this to ALL drivers, but if you pick only ONE driver
to do it to, make sure he is the first opponent that is loaded when
picking the AI to run against (again, I don't have N2 so I'm just
guessing how to do this based on other posts - If it were IndyCar then
it would be the driver immediately after the players name). This means
that the line will look something like the following:
# # # # 500 501 500 501 500 501 500 501 Name_etc
where # is what is already in the file and Name_etc is also unchanged.
Go to the TRACK.TXT file where you will be testing. Set BLAP to your
exact record. For example, if your best lap is 30.234s then set BLAP to
30234. Also set RELS to 100%. While you are in the TRACK.TXT file, set
CARS to 2. This means it will only be YOU and ONE opponent on the track.
This will take traffic out of the equation.
Go to the track and run some RACE laps.
Is the opponent too fast down the straight now? If so, INCREASE the
settings for DRAG.
Is the opponent still slow in the corners? If so, INCREASE the settings
Does he accelerate too fast coming out of the corner? If so, DECREASE the
settings for POWER.
The settings for AGGRESSION are only how the opponent will react to
situations in traffic and passing. The HIGHER the number, the more
aggressive (with a tendency to block) they will be and the lower the
number they will be more like wusses. Either way it will NOT affect lap
So now you should have numbers that will represent the MAXIMUM settings
you should obtain for the DRIVERS2.TXT file.
Go back and make sure that for POWER no numbers are HIGHER than what you
found while driving against the single opponent. Make sure no numbers are
HIGHER for TRACTION and no numbers are LOWER for the DRAG settings.
An example, you found that with BLAP set to your EXACT record and RELS set
to 100 and AI Strength set to 100% the highest number for Power is 450,
Drag is 700 and Traction is 800, then the line would look something like:
# # # # 400 450 645 700 800 865 Name_etc
Once you have found the MAX numbers and set the DRIVERS2.TXT file then the
AI will be MUCH improved. Don't be surprised if the numbers do not equate
out exactly as planned. There is still some variation in the formula.
Just fiddle with the BLAP and RELS numbers to get them better associated
to your times.
Remember for BLAP that on an oval 1/2 a second is a pretty big change.
Try smaller adjustments, such as 0.1s. This will slightly alter cornering
speed as well since now they are allowed to go a little faster for the
overall lap.
This should get you started on your way to creating your own AI that is
right for you.
Just remeber that EACH track has it's own BLAP and RELS that should be
used to adjust from here on out. You can tweak the DRIVERS2.TXT file at a
later date if you either improve or if the AI is still not to your
Thank You!
Your post was absolutely excellent.
Q.B.M. (Even if it doesn't pan out just right for me)