Can anyone please tell me how to tweak the AI speed of opponents to achieve
the following...
Tighter fields, as opposed to variations of 5-6 seconds per lap from
front-runners to tail-enders.
AI speeds which _do_ adapt to my improvements, but...
Fastest AI drivers whose best lap times are about consistent with my own
'best' pace.
By the last point, I mean that if my combined (10?) laps average a 1:30 at
any given track, then Clark, Hill et al are putting in 1:29.5's or slower,
instead of being miles out in front.
I've just done a fresh installation of GPL from the 2004 Demo and added
original tracks from the CD, but I did also keep my original player folder
and drop it into the file system. Should I get rid of this and just start
with a new player?
Also, in trying to find answers to the above, I've read that GEM only alters
the AI for the track which you select in the start-up process, and switching
tracks without exiting GPL and changing the track through GEM will give
inconsistent AI speeds. I presume that it follows that I can't run a
Championship with the 'correct' AI at each track without swapping out
through GEM and keeping pencil/paper scores for myself. Any ideas?
Thanks for getting this far, and thanks in advance for any advice,