I hauled my Logitech wingman FFF out of the cupboard where it has been
gathering dust for the last year. I set it up, downloaded latest drivers and
latest directx. I have been playing NFSHP2, SCGT and CMR2, the problem is
that there is hardly ANY force feedback. I'm running win2k with sp3. I do
remember playing a year ago and on NFSHP2 the FF was its strongest, i mean
If i put the settings on their max then it was hard for me to turn the wheel
and if I went off the road I would literally shake the damn table the wheel
was bolted to. Now a year later there's hardly anything at all. The only
thing I can think that has changed over that year on my system is the new
dx9 and extra service packs for win2k. Can any of you gurus help me out, any
suggestions?? What am i missing here?
Thanks a stack, and happy *** burning!
**So long, and thanks for all the fish!**