and would buy again {keep em at or under $500 list prices though}.
I'm kinda re up'n this from a thread below where PDOTSON bought a set of 3
19 inch monitors that he plans to use all at once, at close to 200 (plus
ship) each. because I got past Xmas and can buy me one present. So, since
I wont be doing 3, so Im kinda wanting one decent Wide panel, of 19 inches
or bigger I think, might settle on a 2007fp or Wfp, from Dell, I dunno yet.
I got to test an acer 1617 or was it 1716? With analog only input on it,
but now I miss the colors that the monitor had compared to my dying CRT.
Still I didn't think I would buy it for anything but here at work (no games,
you know at work, lol).
I like the spec's and looks of the gateway FPD2185w and the 2275 didn't seem
to bad when I got to town to see them at best buy last week, (nearest best
buy or anything like it is 100 miles. of course the desktop it was
connected to in store had nothing to see them "play" anything. They would
be near higher than I wanna spend either way. I do watch DVD's now
sometimes at my desk but not much.
My GFX card is a AGP 7800gs (oc) with 512 ram on it, if that helps with idea
or info.
HELP! I have a hard time pulling the trigger... Yeah, I hate that I am
cheap but hate worse to save 50 bucks and be disappointed, as I can't undo
it with more money later. anyone here got suggestions?