Broken F1 Sim wheel?

Peter Gag

Broken F1 Sim wheel?

by Peter Gag » Mon, 29 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Hi my F1 Sim wheel has broken tonight.

When I try to use it it will only turn right!!! I have recalibrated
using the win95, control panel, game controllers utility, and it
calibrates ok, I went into GPL and ran for a bit and all was ok, then I
lost it and crashed, and the wheel was out of calibration? I went to the
GPL calibration screen in the options page and it would not calibrate
(no left turn).

I assume the steering  pot is faulty, and I am about to take the F1 Sim
apart, (not a problem as I've done this before) and have a look at the
pot and possibly repair or renew it (I have a spare) I just wandered if
anyone had any other possible causes? and any advice?

There was no real clue before this happened indicating that it was about
to happen. It just happened all of a sudden.

I'm now stuck with my old T2 to use!!!  8-(

Peter G

Jim Brindl

Broken F1 Sim wheel?

by Jim Brindl » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

It happened a lot to me so I got a logitech formula force!
Contact Zye tech and they will send you a new column eventually!


Broken F1 Sim wheel?

by pjgt.. » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

> It happened a lot to me so I got a logitech formula force!
> Contact Zye tech and they will send you a new column eventually!
> Jim

> > Hi my F1 Sim wheel has broken tonight.

Problem now fixed. It was only the steering pot, I had a spare handy
anyway, and have now swapped it over, and it feels like a new wheel!!!

8-)   - (Happy again)

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