First, thanks to some of you that pointed me in the right directions to
get a GP2 '98 carset, and GP2 Edit. As per advice from r.a.s.'ers.,
I've installed GP2 Edit (in it's own folder... should I have placed it
in the GP2 folder?) and unzipped the carset to the GP2 Edit folder.
Once I run the GP2 Edit prog, I can get the '98 carset to appear on the
GP2 Edit paint screen. Thinking that was all there was to it, I then
booted back to DOS, and launched GP2. Hmmm... still got my old cars.
Obviously, I've missed something here.
Being not overly computer literate, I hesitate to start clicking on all
the widgets and buttons in the GP2 Edit menu (that looks to be a super
and versitile program)... can somebody fill me in on exactly which GP2
Edit button "loads" the carset into GP2? Any help appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Andre "don't click there!" Ming