Just another data point here; I DL'ed the RH add-on and deleted it. Hit the
FPS more than the additional prettiness was worth to me (on an
XP1800/Ti4400). As for settings, here's my driving aids section from the
f12002/save/player/yourname.plr file. It has most everything off but has TC
on low, autoclutch since I don't have a clutch pedal, and the highest
physics rate which is a "must" - sort of the *** mode you mention. The
high gear forums are a good source of info for other tweaks, like***pit
view editing, moving pov, etc.
Steering Help="0"
Steering Help Functionality="1" // 0 = new help, 1 = new help + grip, 2 =
original F1 2001, 3 = original + grip
Throttle Control="1"
Brake Help="0"
Antilock Brakes="0"
Spin Recovery="0"
Opposite Lock="0"
Stability Control="0"
No AI Control="0" // AI never has control over car (except autopit)
Pitcrew Push="1" // When out of fuel in pitlane, allows pitcrew to push car
(use throttle and gear selection to direct)
Auto Clutch="1"
Shift Mode="0"
Auto Reverse="0"
Speed Sensitive Steering="0.60000"
Half Rate="0" // 0 = super-high physics rate, 1 = normal
Telemetry Rate="10"
Telemetry In Race="1"
Telemetry EXE="telemetry\f12002_telemetry.exe"
Telemetry File="telemetry\telemetry.spt"