GTR 2002 Got me


GTR 2002 Got me

by MadDAW » Fri, 20 Sep 2002 19:52:51

Ok the GTR2002 mod got me, so I'm going out at lunch to get F12002. So what
do I need to know about getting it setup correctly. I have a MOMO wheel, AMD
XP 1800, GF3 with Omega Drivers base on the 29.42s. Is there any "***"
modes that need to be enabled or DX tweaking for the controller? Also is
there any patches? Last but not least what is the main site for F12002? I'm
guessing Simbin, but not sure. I'm talking about an official site, since I
want to know the real deals. :)


Damien Smit

GTR 2002 Got me

by Damien Smit » Fri, 20 Sep 2002 21:37:34

I recommend getting the following from ....

Full car models, skins and lightmapping update by Ralph Hummerich & Bobi
(about 20MB IIRC)
2D rims update (the 3D rims are a bit dodgy IMO) (about 5MB IIRC)
Full AI update. (about 2MB IIRC)

Note: None of these are official - there are no official updates...

That'll transform the game into a real stunner.  On your system, I would
recommend running in 1024x768 32bit (or 16-bit with AA) vsync disabled (or
enabled at 60Hz if you're just hotlapping or testing)

Oh, and there's now a brilliant tutorial on setting up an F1 car which you
might like to grab at some stage, too.



GTR 2002 Got me

by MadDAW » Fri, 20 Sep 2002 21:43:17

Thanks for the tips.

Wow F12002 must be a hog.


Damien Smit

GTR 2002 Got me

by Damien Smit » Fri, 20 Sep 2002 22:02:25

Yeah, though that's with maximum detail.  If you want to increase the
resolution you'll have to drop the detail back a little or you'll compromise
the frame rate (one of the game's best assets)


GTR 2002 Got me

by MadDAW » Sat, 21 Sep 2002 01:23:43

Man they are about as bad as Papy on the system requirments. Can't even
imagine what it would be like to play this on a 400 mhz. CPU with a TNT
video card.


Steve Blankenshi

GTR 2002 Got me

by Steve Blankenshi » Sat, 21 Sep 2002 06:07:04

Just another data point here; I DL'ed the RH add-on and deleted it.  Hit the
FPS more than the additional prettiness was worth to me (on an
XP1800/Ti4400).  As for settings, here's my driving aids section from the
f12002/save/player/yourname.plr file.  It has most everything off but has TC
on low, autoclutch since I don't have a clutch pedal, and the highest
physics rate which is a "must" - sort of the *** mode you mention.  The
high gear forums are a good source of info for other tweaks, like***pit
view editing, moving pov, etc.


Steering Help="0"
Steering Help Functionality="1" // 0 = new help, 1 = new help + grip, 2 =
original F1 2001, 3 = original + grip
Throttle Control="1"
Brake Help="0"
Antilock Brakes="0"
Spin Recovery="0"
Opposite Lock="0"
Stability Control="0"
No AI Control="0" // AI never has control over car (except autopit)
Pitcrew Push="1" // When out of fuel in pitlane, allows pitcrew to push car
(use throttle and gear selection to direct)
Auto Clutch="1"
Shift Mode="0"
Auto Reverse="0"
Speed Sensitive Steering="0.60000"
Half Rate="0" // 0 = super-high physics rate, 1 = normal
Telemetry Rate="10"
Telemetry In Race="1"
Telemetry EXE="telemetry\f12002_telemetry.exe"
Telemetry File="telemetry\telemetry.spt"


GTR 2002 Got me

by MadDAW » Sat, 21 Sep 2002 07:35:39

oh ***I have been only using 1/2 the physics. Man I hope they have alot of
spare cars!


Dave Henri

GTR 2002 Got me

by Dave Henri » Sat, 21 Sep 2002 10:00:52

"Steve Blankenship"

   Has anyone figured out what this does?  I 'think' it was to addres those
drivers who coasted into the pits and couldn't restart after refueling, but
I haven't seen anyone actually comment on it or it's usefullness.

dave henrie

Steve Blankenshi

GTR 2002 Got me

by Steve Blankenshi » Sat, 21 Sep 2002 13:40:29

Nope - never had the good sense to run out of gas ON pit lane.  Usually out
in the boondocks, so it's a long walk back for me.  Never a scooter around
when you need one... ;-)


Damien Smit

GTR 2002 Got me

by Damien Smit » Sat, 21 Sep 2002 22:27:43

WTF?  I lost about 2fps installing this addon and the difference in visual
quality is very significant (though the rim addon really adds the icing on
the cake) (XP 2000+ & Ti4600)

Steve Blankenshi

GTR 2002 Got me

by Steve Blankenshi » Sun, 22 Sep 2002 01:04:58

Wasn't a huge hit to be true, but it dropped my FPS past the breakpoint I
was comfortable with given my preferred settings (12X10 w/QAA & 4XAniso).
As always, YMMV.



GTR 2002 Got me

by MadDAW » Sun, 22 Sep 2002 02:27:23

Any ideas as to whats more important with F12002 as far as CPU or video
card? I have an XP1800 and a GF3 o/c to about a Ti500. I'm not sure about
buying a new video card, but the $120 bucks for an XP2100 wouldn't be too
bad. Granted its only 200 mhz more, but can never have to much. :)


Steve Blankenshi

GTR 2002 Got me

by Steve Blankenshi » Sun, 22 Sep 2002 03:18:05

Hard to say for me, as I've only tried it on one machine.  That said,
running against the AI drops the FPS by half or more, while upping the
resolution has a smaller effect (probably due to the 128mb in the 4400).  I
could drop AA and AF, run 16X12 and get better FPS, but I can't stand to
look at it like that.  If you can get by without all the graphic bells and
whistles, the CPU's probably a good bet for racing the AI.


One more caveat - the add on tracks and mods are *usually* not as well
optimized graphically, so that may be something to consider in the mix.
More confusion... :-)


GTR 2002 Got me

by MadDAW » Sun, 22 Sep 2002 07:33:29

I'm thinking CPU as well myself. From some UT2003 Benchmarking I did it
appears more of a CPU limit than a graphics card.


Mike Beaucham

GTR 2002 Got me

by Mike Beaucham » Sun, 22 Sep 2002 08:21:56

But like, would you EXPECT to be able to play the newest games on a 400MHZ
CPU with a TNT video card??

The more game developers can stop worrying about cheapskates with 5 year old
systems, the more they can worry about optimizing graphics for people with
newer systems.

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