Yes and no...:)
There are several fixes that remove most of the extra
graphic flash, like the extended tire skids, smoke, etc. once these
and the cars with high polygon counts are stored, then the game runs
much better. Having said is no where as sophisticated online
at N3 or gpl.
Don't like Road Courses? turning right is practically a religion.
The sounds are better, once you get them in place. There is supposed to
be a new professional soundpak, but it is several weeks overdue.
Cars are flooding in, shortly a complete ALMS patch will be available.
Already Trans Am and Aussie V8 Touring cars are included in the
Service Pak 3.0.
I just yesterday saw the Panoz Open top cars....They should be
available shortly...
Don't pay full price for SCGT, it is availble at many places for $19
or less.
dave henrie
> I'm thinking about taking the dive. I've waited this long 'cause I really
> don't like road courses, but this looks good every time I go to the damn
> store. Have the patches helped? I know the sounds are better now, but is
> the damage patch any good? Are there any other carsets? Tracks? Is anyone
> RACING it online?
> Gunner
> damn DTR won't let me play N3 anymore!! hehe.