me last night. At first the framerate and lag was horrid with
just the two of us in the field. The cars were jumping all over
the place at the start and you never really did see the cars
during the race, but you would see skid marks they left :-)
This was when Jason was hosting the race since he had
the cable modem and I had a 56K modem. Then I asked
which type of CPU he had. He said he had a 333 P2. I
have a 450 P2 so we thought we would try it again with
me hosting the race. This time the framerate was pretty
near perfect. We were even able to run with 2 AI cars.
You could always see the other cars and there was not
really any lag that I could see, and framerate was way up.
Jason pinged my IP last night and he said the ping time was
~ 380ms which is not that great. But the game seems to work
just great as long as the faster CPU does the hosting and
you keep the AI down to 2. Probably the limit for online
play is 4 cars total. I don't think it matters if it is 4 humans
or 2 humans and 2 AI. This is just a guess as we only were
able to try with 4 humans when he was hosting.
Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com