I should mention that I like the BMW.
I just ran a race where the other driver ran with the GT1. It's a bit
hard to catch one of those with a BMW ;-) Any case, We had a perfect
connection with 0 (ZERO) warp! I took a left instead of a right a few times
but still had a blast.
I'll be setting up a race later this week if anyone is interested. I
don't know how many drivers this can support, I'd like to find out. So, no
mater what you driver, GT1,2,3, If you would like to run against a few
people just send me an email.
Mike Barlow
> I want to try this thing out against human drivers. My ICQ # is
> 22982621. It's rare that I have it running but if I have a reason to, I
> will.
> Is there a message board of chat room setup anywhere for SCGT
> drivers that are looking for a connection?
> Mike Barlow
> --
> =========================================
> Mike Barlow of Barlow Racing?
> MikeBa on the TEN network.
> Member of R.O.R. 1999
> http://w3.ime.net/~marknjess/noflame.html
> =========================================
> Racing online with the help of......
> Race Communications Association
> http://members.xoom.com/RCA/toc.html
> Holodyne Engineering
> Mystic Music
Mike Barlow of Barlow Racing?
MikeBa on the TEN network.
Member of R.O.R. 1999
Racing online with the help of......
Race Communications Association
Holodyne Engineering
Mystic Music