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Randy BO

CPR Patch - more details

by Randy BO » Sun, 14 Dec 1997 04:00:00

Bzzt. RIGHT!  I welcome anyone to go to, where they can quickly get
to the Longbow pages.  And if you look at the web address, its part of

I didn't say I necessarily believed Dean.

Heh heh.  If you only knew where I worked...


Really? Then why in their FAQ do they state that they are considering other 3D
Boards at this time?

Independent software developers did. That's why some of their titles have D3D,
and some do not. LB2 will NOT have D3D, because it's makers refuse to
compromise on quality. They have been quite clear on this point.

D3D would be a compromise in quality only based upon which hardware a user had.
 If the user has a Riva128, its very competitive with Glide and the current
generation of 3DFX cards.

I can run it, just perhaps not in OpenGL mode.  And if I cared, I'd have bought
a Monster 3D already.

More "I've made up my mind.  Don't confuse me with any facts which might
contradict my own prejudices".

Randy Magruder
Staff Writer
Digital Sportspage


CPR Patch - more details

by Jo » Sun, 14 Dec 1997 04:00:00

>As an example, the developers of Longbow2 are
>considering other 3D cards right now, according to their own FAQ.  

They are investifating other cards, but not through D3D.

Your reaching. Today, and for the forseeable future, LongBow2 and
games like it will be 3dfx only.



CPR Patch - more details

by Jo » Sun, 14 Dec 1997 04:00:00

>Bzzt. RIGHT!  I welcome anyone to go to, where they can quickly get
>to the Longbow pages.  And if you look at the web address, its part of

Did you even read my post? Apparently not, you seem to develop reading
comprehension problems whenever facts that don't agree with your
preconceived notions are presented. You are looking at the EA web page
- marketing information. I've been talking directly to the developer.

Not true at all. Andy H was explaining just today how it *wasn't* just
a matter of speed, but capabilities the Glide API has that D3D lacks.
Even the software-only version of LB2 uses techniques/effects not
possible in D3D.

That's the whole point - there's dozens of games - several of them
"best of breed" - that as of today only run on 3dfx. So we come back
to the original inescapable conclusion: buying a non-3dfx board at
this point in time is an ignorant puchasing decision. In other words,
if one looks at the facts and reality of currently available software,
going non-3dfx is simply not logical.


Wolfgang Prei

CPR Patch - more details

by Wolfgang Prei » Sun, 14 Dec 1997 04:00:00

>>> I saw the Vel at Best Buy and was thinking about maybe getting it and a
>VooDoo2 when they are released, would this be a good combo?

>I would think so, but it depends upon a few things.  First, since my
>motherboard has only one AGP slot, I'd have the Riva in the AGP slot and the
>Voodoo 2 in the PCI slot hooked up to the VGA Feature connector of the Riva.
>If Voodoo 2 comes out and is AGP only, this plan is screwed.  I don't think
>that you can use AGP via the feature connector (I could be wrong).

As I understand it, the AGP in accordance with Intel specs is not a
bus but, as the name implies, a dedicated graphics port, i.e. there
will be only one AGPort on mainboards - at least on those boards with
Intel chipsets. If the Voodoo 2 is an add-on board too (and I think it
is), it wouldn't be very clever if it was released as AGP only.

Wolfgang Preiss       \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.
wopr"at" \ There is no "2" in my real e-mail address.
Uni des Saarlands       \ Sorry for the inconvenience. You know why.

John Walla

CPR Patch - more details

by John Walla » Sun, 14 Dec 1997 04:00:00

>The question is how well does it run the games you want to run.  If
>D3D has the games you want, you can run them with a 3DFX, but not
>nearly as good as say an STB Velocity 128 or a Diamond Viper 330, not
>to mention the AGP versions.

"Not nearly as good" hasn't been my experience at all.

Cool - if that comes to pass then I'll buy a Riva based card. If that
strategy is blown out the water by Voodoo2 I'll buy one of those. The
fact is, the best card technically is not necessarily the best card to
buy. If GPL is released and happens to be the absolute top sim at that
time, I will go with whichever card happens to give the best support
to that - if it supports other software I like in addition then that
is a bonus. If CPR2 runs on the "Riviera 256" or whatever it may be,
and THAT is the ultimate sim, it's a Riviera 256. Perhaps not an
industry standard buying technique, but it gets me what I want.


David Schi

CPR Patch - more details

by David Schi » Mon, 15 Dec 1997 04:00:00

You ask: Why should you buy a Voodoo?   While my 3dfx card has
provided me with much *** enjoyment over the past year, I don't
know or care what you or anyone else buys.  If you were satisfied with
an EGA card then that would be fine by me.

Just as a general comment on many of your posts which are as much
trolls as they are indications of a lack of conviction on what you
find to be satisfactory.  Or maybe you just like to argue.

Ed Jankovsk

CPR Patch - more details

by Ed Jankovsk » Tue, 16 Dec 1997 04:00:00

: >I do have to say, it's interesting how you conveniently chopped the part
: >mentioning the fact you are comparing new cards to something that is a
: >year old.  It is ok to compare voodoo2 (early tests) to the precious Riva
: >128.

: Show me a Voodoo 2 at retail and then we'll talk. I can show you 4 or
: 5 Riva 128 boards on the shelves right now.

Well my comment would make more sense if you had quoted farther down.  Did
you see the recent test results from Brian Hook?  Yes, the Riva might be
working well for you, but did you not also say you have a PII system?
From reading the Riva cards are very cpu dependent.

: >Last we heard it was due 1st quarter 98 which isn't that far off and if
: >someone is thinking about buying a 3d card, is it so wrong to mention this
: >and possibly wait until it is out instead of spending the money now on
: >something that will be inferior?

: Depends.  The Voodoo 2 is likely going to cost over $200 when it
: ships, compared to the current boards which are far less.  Not to
: mention the fact that you could get a 2D/3D board now and buy a Voodoo
: 2 for its expansion port early next year if so warranted.  That's
: probably what I'll do.  I see no reason to tack a Monster 3D onto the
: Riva right now.  I'd just have to toss it out for the Voodoo 2.

Yes it's likely to cost over $200 but so did the original Voodoo and look
how the price dropped and it dropped quickly.  Also, a V2 card is likely
to serve someone well for quite some time.  I also would not add an M3D
onto the Riva card either.

Ed Jankovsk

CPR Patch - more details

by Ed Jankovsk » Tue, 16 Dec 1997 04:00:00

: BTW, can you run OpenGL games like Quake 2 on that Riva?

Yes you can, but not nearly as well.

Byron Forbe

CPR Patch - more details

by Byron Forbe » Wed, 17 Dec 1997 04:00:00

> >I do have to say, it's interesting how you conveniently chopped the part
> >mentioning the fact you are comparing new cards to something that is a
> >year old.  It is ok to compare voodoo2 (early tests) to the precious Riva
> >128.

> Show me a Voodoo 2 at retail and then we'll talk. I can show you 4 or
> 5 Riva 128 boards on the shelves right now.
> Randy

    How does the Canopus Pure 3D stack up against the Riva?
Randy BO

CPR Patch - more details

by Randy BO » Thu, 18 Dec 1997 04:00:00

board at this point in time is an ignorant puchasing decision. In other words,
if one looks at the facts and reality of currently available software, going
non-3dfx is simply not logical.>>

Sorry, but using the same 4 titles over and over and over and using LongBow as
your main point of reference is simply not convincing.  Everything I want to
play I can play on my Riva 128.  Tell me what's illogical about me having a
Riva 128?

Randy Magruder
Staff Writer
Digital Sportspage

Randy BO

CPR Patch - more details

by Randy BO » Thu, 18 Dec 1997 04:00:00

Well, its been mine with both boards.  The 3DFX board collects dust and the
Riva 128 is in the machine.  It simply blows the doors off of the 3DFX card I
have, and I'm sure some of that is due to AGP.

strategy is blown out the water by Voodoo2 I'll buy one of those. >>

I'll probably buy a Voodoo 2 regardless.

Randy Magruder
Staff Writer
Digital Sportspage

Randy BO

CPR Patch - more details

by Randy BO » Thu, 18 Dec 1997 04:00:00

I don't own that the Canopus board so I can't say, but you can go to various
benchmark sites (, and whatever site Final
Reality is at) and see what users have reported or people have tested.  I like
the Final Reality tests as they build two different game environments (a mech
style environment and a blade-runner style environment) and then benchmark

Randy Magruder
Staff Writer
Digital Sportspage


CPR Patch - more details

by Jo » Thu, 18 Dec 1997 04:00:00

>Sorry, but using the same 4 titles over and over and over and using LongBow as
>your main point of reference is simply not convincing.  Everything I want to
>play I can play on my Riva 128.  

Did you just get transported back in time a week or something? You
seem to have forgotten all about the posts I've sent you since then.
I'm not going to answer your same questions over again.


John Walla

CPR Patch - more details

by John Walla » Thu, 18 Dec 1997 04:00:00

Why back to performance again? That isn't the issue at all. Fact is,
with a Rendition and a 3dFX in my machine I can play _anything_
(except of course the illogically titled "Ultimate" Race or whatever
it is). With a Riva 128 you can't play accelerated ICR2, N2, SODA, nor
any of the Glide only titles. Frankly it doesn't make sense for me to
own a Riva 128. I'm sure you and others Riva 128 owners have your own
buying reasons which are equally valid, but they don't amount to a
hill of beans for me. The Riva 128 could give 300fps in Longbow 2
accompanied by heavenly auras and a hallelujah chorus, but as far as
it's in Longbow 2, frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

(Too many old films on TV in the run up to Christmas!).

Likewise, if it supports the software I'm interested in.


Ed Jankovsk

CPR Patch - more details

by Ed Jankovsk » Thu, 18 Dec 1997 04:00:00

: >> "Not nearly as good" hasn't been my experience at all.

: Well, its been mine with both boards.  The 3DFX board collects dust and the
: Riva 128 is in the machine.  It simply blows the doors off of the 3DFX card I
: have, and I'm sure some of that is due to AGP.

If I remember you describing your system from a previous post, I think it
has more to do with your processor than anything else. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.