% Joe,
% You_are_correct - there are some features unique to the 3Dfx hardware that
% cannot be accessed using DirectX5 - none that are useful to CPR I might add.
% However, the next generation of DirectX, I am assured, will address the
% double-pass rendering and the other last couple of items.
% The performance issue I stand by - why? Because we just spent 3 weeks and
% $$$ on doing the glide port
% so we know what we're talking about. This is not secondhand info - we did
% the numbers. I have the two versions in front of me right now - we did the
% port because WE thought it might buy us some performance. It didn't - end of
% story (yeah, right).
% So I don't expect for one minute for anyone to support/approve or even
% believe this data - but so what? We did the work, we have the data, that's
% all I need.
% We wouldn't have even done the Glide port if we were so set against it.
% My job is to make CPR (and Flight Sim and Monster Truck and X, Y and Z tba)
% the best Sims they can be - not to make D3D look good if it isn't.
% I don't work in the Systems group - I work in the Games group - I run the
% Simulations business for Microsoft - if my products stiff because I made bad
% technology choices then it's my profitability - and ultimately my head.
% There it is - I have been (painfully) honest on this NG so far and I do not
% intend to start changing that now.
I would like to thank you for your presence here in r.a.s. (a somewhat
wild and wooly Old West shoot-out zone at times). I also believe you
have been honest with the group. At times however, I think you have
been too involved in spin control (understandably) and in doing so
appear to avoid or dismiss certain problems people have been having with
your product. With that said, keep it up. I look forward to your patch
in the hopes that the promise seen in CPR can actually be delivered. At
times I think it appears that the avid (or sometimes rabid) posters in
r.a.s. are out to "poison" the well. But, in truth I think they are
looking and striving for the same thing you and your development team
are, an excellent CART simulation. Just understand, we are the hardened
sim junkies and the "new drug" on the market needs-must be stronger and
better than anything we've already pumped into our system. We are
finely tuned to what makes or breaks a sim-drug, and as soon as our
"systems" detect something amiss we howl like a junkie in withdrawl.
Just remember, we really do want your product to be the best it can be,
and that is mainly why we complain so much.
Thanks again for sticking your neck (and sanity) on the line and
contributing here in r.a.s.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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