have been reading most posts, and everybody seems to be on the same page as
far as trying to help everybody else get the most out of their systems to
have the best experience possible.
Well here is my poll;
If you could go somewhere locally, that has say 20 systems setup
specifically for multi-player, (similar to Silicon Motor Speedway -
www.smsonline.com, but not on quite as grand a level as that. Each person
would have their own pod (go to www.thunderseat.net, and check out the
pods), to completely immerse themselves into the games.
You could race seasons, single races, different games, flight sims,
deathmatch games such as Quake, any multiplayer game. You wouldn't have
allot of the problems with internet latency and other problems with internet
racing that I have been reading about.
If a place like this existed, and was setup properly, would you consider
going there to race? How much would you feel is a reasonable price?
Pricing could be per season, per race, per hour, think about how much you
are spending on ten. I'm not saying quit the internet, because that's just
not feasible, but this would be an alternative for people who maybe don't
have the most current and up to date systems, and are a little disheartened
by the whole thing.
I live in Denver, CO and am seriously looking into this and would really
appreciate any and all input and suggestions anyone would be willing to
give. If you have taken the time to read this I really do appreciate your
patience as I know it seems a little long.
Please email me with all comments and suggestions;
Chad Brown
Denver, CO