Which pins are you talking about? The one to the computer, or the set that
goes to the wheel from the peddles? Two others things to check for is if
your power supply is hooked up to the wheel, and that the light ain't
blinking. If all that is working, then windows will also work. If not, I
would suggest calling Microsoft by that point in time
Mark F.
SimGo, The Place For SPEED!!!
> How many pins are their on the wheel-plug to the game port a game port has
> 15 holes but I only count 9 pins on the MS FF wheel plug.Each time I trie
> setup my wheel the game controller menu says : your game controller is not
> connected correctly or cannot communicate with your computermake sure it
> plugged in securely and the mode light is on.
> --
> o`o?,??,?o`o?,??,?o`o?,??,?o`o?
> Jeremy Genicot
> http://F50.cjb.net
> site about Formula 1 with F1-picures
> (remove 2 stripes)
> o`o?,??,?o`o?,??,?o`o?,??,?o`o?