the bastard) after showing me F1 2000. He wanted to get me hooked on
it, obviously, in order to show me some tail in the next couple of
Let me just admit up front, that I'm in no way a racing, driving or
Formula 1 fanatic. I don't usually play this type of game. Actually I
never played a driving game, except for F1 sims. I am, however, a
great fan of multiplayer games. Me and the mates played a great deal
of GP2, in it's time, against eachother. Since bro only bought F1 2k
today, we haven't tried multiplaying it yet, but I have a couple of
comments on the game itself...
I really really like the ability to toggle all concievable options.
I've seen a lot of complaints here about bad frame rates, and I can't
understand that. This game, IMO, can be configured to run on most
machines today. It's just a question about how much detail you'll have
to drop in order to match your hardware. I ran it on a P3/500 with an
outdated Viper TNT(! yes the old TNT). Just for testing, I ran with
everything on maximum details, and it was still playable!
The car setup is way out of my league. I'm going to have to do some
serious RTFM, if I'm going to have any chance against beforementioned
mates... Again, I really like the options it provides.
I think the graphics are great. When bro took an Arrows out on a
couple of test laps to show me the graphics, we simultanously tilted
our heads when he rounded the curves... It's got that driving feeling
(to me at least).
But I have a few cons aswell. I don't like the menu interface much.
Who ever thought of putting the exit button in the main menu (and no
nagging "Are you sure" dialog) in the exact spot, where the "Go Back"
button is in every other menu??? Bad design, IMO.
The sound is poor. I can't put my finger on what exactly is wrong, but
it just doesn't sounds right!
The AI is way to agressive. We had several occasions where we were
rammed from behind when we were driving down the straight sections in
good speed. That's not AI - that's AU (Artif. Unintelligence!).
But overall, I'll be ordering a Guillemot Ferrari Wheel tomorrow, to
humiliate my mates on the circuits this weekend.
Comments, flames and threats are welcome...
(ps. Please excuse spelling- and grammatical errors - I'm affraid I'm
not blessed with english as my native tongue)