Please, reference this letter:
Alston & Bird
One Atlantic Center
1201 West Peachtree Street
Atlanta, GA 30309-3424
Martin J. Elgison
May 29, 1996
Mr. Tim Wortman
Decatur, IL
Dear Mr. Wortman,
We are in receipt of your letter of May 12, 1996 regarding your
NASSCAR website. We thank you for your willingness to cooperate with
Nascar in its endeavor to protect the NASCAR trademarks, and we hope
that you will continue to support Nascar racing in the future.
However, while we certainly appreciate the many changes you have made
to your website in compliance with our requests, we notice that you
are still using the mark NASSCAR in your website, albeit as an acronym
for a new organization name. In addition, you have not removed the
graphic of the NASCAR Racing box which displays the multi-colored
NASCAR bar logo.
Because your continued use of the mark NASSCAR threatens to dilute the
distinctive quality of the NASCAR mark and to create a likelihood of
confusion among consumers, we must again insist that you stop any
further use of "NASSCAR" as a trademark or as an abbreviation for your
organization name. Although the mark NASSCAR is not identical in
appearance to the NASCAR mark, both marks are pronounced the same and
are identical in all material aspects. Additionally, the mark is used
in connection with a computer simulated racing league that utilizes an
official Nascar-licensed product. As such, there is still a good
possibility that consumers would be confused as to the relationship
between Nascar and your organization, despite the fact that you have
incorporated the disclaimer that we requested.
Also, we notice that you still have the image of the NASCAR Racing
video game box on your website, which includes the mutli-colored
NASCAR bar logo. We must ask again that you remove that image.
Please understand that our position with respect to your use of
NASSCAR is not mere "nit picking." Nascar is under legal duty to take
all necessary precautions to prevent the loss of its trademark rights.
Therefore, we also ask that whatever mark you select to replace the
NASSCAR mark not be designed to "play off" of or imitate the NASCAR
If we can help you in any way with the necessary changes, please let
us know.
Martin J. Elgison One word folks..........Bullshit. This is exactly what NASCAR thinks A trademark issue.....I really don't think so. How many web sites are It's all dollars and cents folks. NASSCAR commands the attention of I guess I'll rename the series.......NASUCKS. Think anyone would be Please, not just for the sake of NASSCAR, but for the sake of all NASCAR _______________________________________ NASSCAR '96 Series Director
of you, the computer sim driver.
out there that use the word NASCAR, a picture of the Nascar Racing
game box, etc etc. How many NASSCAR drivers really got confused,
thinking I was actually at the race last week and beat Dale Earnhardt
to the line?
alot of computer sim drivers. Now that NASCAR has sanctioned Papyrus
as its 13th division, it's quite clear that NASCAR wants full control
of the simulated racing world.
confused about the meaning of that?
series similar to it which operate today or may operate in the future,
write or call NASCAR and let them know what you think of their latest
1801 W. International Sppedway Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Tim Wortman
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