My dear Byron, ;-)
We're not talking here about the "let ourselves drive by the game" variety of
keyboard driving. We're talking about the no-aids driving.(except the aids that
you can not turn off with keyboard, which means steering help and opposite lock)
So, put your hands on that keyboard and turn off autogears, ideal line,
suggested gear, autobrakes, spin recovery, invulnerability and, most of all,
TRACTION HELP. Enjoy "the game driving the car for you" and return here to tell
us how easy it all is and the supertimes you realised...
I'm serious! Give it a try so you have some foundation for your claims instead
of talking rubbish.
I'm waiting for your times.....And not too long, because obviously it can't take
you very long to master this piece of cake ;-)
(And DON'T dare to come back with, say, an Imola time above 1m20s)
This whole discussion inspired me to write a little "essay" on the importance of
control methods for racing games. I want it to start up its own thread, so I
posted it under a new subject. You might be interested; see you over there :-)
Jo Helsen
Please remove *anti-spam* from the email when replying.
When everything else failed, we can still become im-
mortal by making an enormous blunder....
John Kenneth Galbraith