> I never thought I'd live to see the day. Apparently Project Gotham 2 on the
> XBox has the full 14 mile Nurburgring Nordschliefe circuit. A friend of
> mine picked up the game today (apparently he found an EB with it on the
> shelves early,) and right there on the back of the box it makes reference to
> being able to drive every car on the famed Nordschleife circuit. A quick
> check on IGN confirmed that this track is in the game, in its full 14 mile
> glory!
> Sorry if this is old news, but it was news to me that this track has been
> modeled in a console game. Unfortunately, I don't own an Bbox, so I'll be
> anxiously awaiting word from others on the quality of the Nordschleife model
> in this game. I hope it (and the rest of the game) stands up to scrutiny.
> I don't expect GPL-quality physics, but if I can get reasonably believable
> physics and a decent model of the Nurburgring going on my home theater
> setup, then it might be time to spring for an XBox.
Got the game today. It's great. The 'Ring is INDEED there, but not quite
the 'full' ring. Compared to GPL, it's missing what I call the 'stadium'
section, the two short straights w/ 180 turn that sorta encompasses the
pit road/paddock area. In other words, after coming off 'the straight',
there are those few turns going up towards pit road, but instead of going
onto the start/finish line straight ala GPL, you make a right 90o turn,
then down a very short straight into what would be the second left 90o
turn in the GPL version. IOW, it's basically the way the track runs now in
'tourist' mode, with the exception of being able to go down the straight
at full blast. As for accuracy, it's very colose to the way I imagine it
is today, In other words, the track is the same as in GPL (VERY close, it
fdelt like putting on well worn shoes), but some of the more obvious
safety problems with '67 track had (the very treacherous curves mainly)
have been fixed up. It's great, and the selection of cars is wonderful.