Sierra want to put the thing to sleep and you just keep it going!
Seriously..........another wonderful piece of artistry from the circuit
specialists and definitely (in my humble opinion) the "scariest" track to
drive fast. Can you even *begin* to imagine what is must have been like in
a pre-war Auto Union or Mercedes? Pounding through the "green tunnel"?
A beautiful job. Take a bow, chaps; you certainly deserve it.
Oh...before I go....just a minor thing that someone might be able to address
further down the track (pun definitely intended!): the behaviour of the AI
at the start seems a bit wonky. It's as if they're all on Valium until just
after the first corner then they all get a charge of adrenaline and off they
go! :-)
Now....back to Switzerland..................................
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.